Goal ideas are great if you are uncertain about the types of goals you should set for your personal growth and improvement.
I shared 36 Personal Growth Goals recently and it garnered a lot of activity on Pinterest that I decided to write more on goal ideas so as to help people set goals they can achieve.
In our quest to better ourselves, we tend to try on things that do not pertain to us just because everyone else is doing it.
The fact that people are jumping on a trend does not mean you should. Ask yourself what the so-called trend would do for you. I remember hopping on the popular Keto diet years ago just because it looked as if everyone was doing it. I crashed out because I was able to identify that I am one of those people who cannot do without rice. Rice is not just a staple food in my corner of the world, it is my favorite and doing without it was not something I was willing to consider on a long-term (think forever) basis so I had to forego the Keto diet.
I am not in any way disparaging the Keto diet. Don’t get me wrong. It works wonders for the people who are on it. It just wasn’t for me.
Goal Ideas You Should Set For Yourself
Research has it that people abandon their New Year resolutions even before February is ushered in. This is so because we rarely set SMART goals. Like in my experience with the Keto diet which was a health goal, you will have noticed that you have constantly embarked on “journeys” of different goal ideas without a definite plan as to how you want to achieve them.
So, this article isn’t only about goal ideas, it is about setting SMART goals using these goal ideas so you can improve one or more aspects of your life where you desire to change.
But what are SMART goals? Smart goals are goals that are SPECIFIC, MEASURABLE, ACHIEVABLE, REALISTIC, AND TIME BOUND.
For a goal to be achieved, it must have all these aforementioned elements (Specific, measurable, achievable, realistic, and time-bound).
I have found that setting short-term goals will always help you in achieving long-term goals. Not only that, it makes your goals easier to achieve.
Read this guide on how to set SMART goals and achieve them to better understand setting smart goals.
There are lots of goal ideas to set for different aspects of your lives but I will concentrate on goal ideas for career, finance, relationships, personal growth, spiritual and health goals.
Let’s consider each of these goal ideas separately.
Career Goal Ideas
If you are a career woman, then career goal ideas are definitely for you. I am at a point in my career where I’d like to start my company (as a matter of fact, the wheels are already in motion) so I can quit the proverbial 9 to 5. Financial freedom is something that I crave and being in business for yourself is one of the ways to achieve that.
Prior to getting to this level in my career, I have always had goal ideas for my career progression and some of these goals include professional certifications and Continuing Personal Development (CPD). This has helped my career greatly.
So no matter what stage you are in the corporate ladder, career goals should be on top of the list of your goals every year. This is the only way you grow.
Finance Goals
Your finance makes up a large part of your life. As a matter of fact, it is usually the wheels that drive every other aspect of your life so setting financial goals just had to make this list of goal ideas to set for a better you.
Looking after your money is important for your self-care. There are lots of financial goal ideas and I will share some here. You need to learn budgeting, how to save and when to save, plan for retirement, buy a home, and the like as part of your financial goals.
If you are looking for some goal ideas to set & achieve as part of your personal growth goals, look no further, check out these goal ideas
Relationship Goals
No matter the kind of relationship, you need to set goals for them. Relationships could be platonic, romantic, or business relationships and whatever they are, it is ideal that they be properly managed.
The relationships you keep will either make or mar you. Having goal ideas for your relationships is thus a great idea if you want them to be beneficial, and mutually beneficial to you and other parties.
Meanwhile, have a look at the below guides for your relationships before we discuss relationship goal ideas.
9 Deep Relationship Questions You Need To Ask
How To Rekindle The Love In Your Relationship
Personal Growth Goals
Remember, that saying, nothing grows in your comfort zone? This is true for and about everything in life, more so your personal growth.
You have to constantly set goals for your personal growth and development if you must grow. There are lots of goal ideas you can set for your personal growth and the examples I will share here will get you started on your self-improvement journey.
I also have lots of articles on self-improvement that will definitely benefit you. You can also follow me on Pinterest to check out awesome ideas and solutions for personal development
Spiritual Goal Ideas
Setting spiritual goals isn’t and shouldn’t be all about religion. You do not have to be a Christian, Muslim, Buddhist, etc to set spiritual goals. Spiritual growth is about aligning yourself to the universe so you become more attuned.
One way to do this is by constantly practicing gratitude.
To be attuned to yourself and nature, you need to set spiritual goals. Of course, you can also set spiritual goals if you are religion-inclined.
Health Goals
Health they say is wealth and no truer words have been said. Waiting till you get old before taking care of your health is a recipe for disaster.
You need to include health goals when you are setting goals for yourself because if you do not have any health goals, how do you achieve your other goals if your health is suffering?
There are lots of goal ideas to set to maintain optimum health.
17 Goal Ideas For Your Personal Growth

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Having looked at areas where to set goal ideas and how to set SMART goals (don’t forget to read the guide on How To Set SMART Goals and Achieve Them), let’s have a look at 17 goals ideas you can set for your personal growth and development.
1. Get Some New Skills
Some career goal ideas you can set for yourself are by taking training/courses/certifications that will help your career growth. This is easy to implement. Set a timeline to achieve and get these certifications using the aforementioned SMART goal guide.
2. Improve Your Professional “Vocabulary”
Continually learning is another career goal idea you can set for yourself. Reading Self-improvement books and books related to your profession will place you in better stead for career growth and development.
3. Improve Your Time Management Skills
Improve Your Time Management skills as a career goal. If you are finding it difficult to meet deadlines at work and or even in your day-to-day life, then you should definitely be setting goals for better time management. These 16 Life Hacks For Better Productivity include great time management skills like the Pomodoro technique that you can use in setting your career goals.
4. Improve Your Organization Skills
If you find that you are always disorganized, then one of the goals ideas you need to set goals to improve your organizational skills.
Setting goals for organizational skills will not only help in your career, it will also help on the home front.
We often wonder how people are able to properly manage their careers and homes effectively. One of the answers to this having excellent organizational skills.
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5. Make Self-Care Mandatory: Your health matters in the grand scheme of things and setting goals for self-care is of paramount essence. This is one of the goal ideas you must set a year in, year out. Self-care must be at the top of your to-do list, be it weekly or monthly (remember that achieving goals means they should be time-bound).
A self-care goal could be going on a digital detox once a month keeping a mood tracker or keeping a monthly habit tracker.
You can include self care activities like going to the Spa or sauna and having massages on a weekly or monthly basis. Here are some physical self care activities to include in your self-care routine.
Below are some great guides to check out if you want to make self-care a health goal.
101 Self-Care Ideas: Amazing Ways To Take Care Of Yourself
4 Easy Self-Care Habits For A Healthy Body, Soul, and Mind
5 Awesome Self-Care Challenges You Should Absolutely Try!
6. Get More Beauty Sleep: As we age, we need to strike a healthy balance between our sleeping and waking hours. A good night’s sleep is part of a healthy routine for better health.
I am one of those people who suffer from insomnia and I do my best to ensure I sleep well. This usually means I am checking out home remedies, doing them and constantly looking for sleep apps to help me sleep better.
Even when you do not have insomnia, it is a great idea to ensure you are getting enough sleep, and setting goals for getting that beauty sleep is a must.
Here are 10 Powerful Sleeping Apps that you can use to achieve this goal idea.
7. Journaling: Keeping a journal is a great goal idea to set for yourself. If you haven’t started journaling, this is a great time to start and include it in your goal ideas.
Journaling has been proven to not only help improve your writing skills, it has been linked to stress relief, inspire creativity, boost memory, allow self-reflection, and help you set goals and achieve them.
These are just some of the benefits. There are prompts you can use for journaling such as Journal Prompts For Self Discovery, Journal Prompts For Mental Health, Journal Prompts For Anxiety, Holiday Journal Prompts, and Journal Prompts For Coping During A Pandemic to mention but a few.
8. Exercise: Setting goals for exercising is beneficial for your overall health. Health indeed is wealth and should be taken care of.
The only way you can achieve this goal is by making changes to your lifestyle and one way to do that is by exercising. You can set targets for exercising 3 days a week and then set alarms to prompt you to exercise.
Another way to achieve this goal is to maximize the use of exercise apps on your phone. A lot of them are free on iOS and Android apps. Make use of your smart mobile devices to achieve this. They aren’t only for taking selfies.
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9. Set Goals For Creativity
Yes! Set goals for creativity. Explore your creative side. You may never know what you’ll discover! You may as well be another Da Vinci or even E. L James.
Setting goals is all about self-improvement and exploring your creative side is a goal idea you should set for yourself. If you have an affinity for arts/painting, you could very well discover that you have a talent for it. You could be great at graphics design and some other great computer skills you hitherto didn’t know you could be good at.
Achieving your creativity goals can even end up as a great side hustle that will bring in much-needed income to fund your other goal ideas like professional/career development goals.
So go ahead and set some creativity goals for yourself, queen.
10. Set Goals To Improve Your Relationships
Most often, in our quest to climb the corporate ladder, make money, and all that, we tend to neglect and sacrifice our relationships with those around us.
We neglect loved ones, our significant others, and even some of our professional/business relationships. This is detrimental to our health, growth, and social well-being.
We are created to be social beings. No one is an island. In as much as we cannot and shouldn’t make everyone our friends, we need to value our friendships, make time for them, and grow.
This is why you should set goals to improve your relationships. Goal ideas for improving your relationships could include setting up game nights with your BFFs, setting up monthly date nights with your boo, planning a surprise getaway for him, getting movie/opera tickets, getting him gifts even when it is not their birthday, not your anniversary and planning to spend more time with loved ones and family.
These plans could be weekly, bi-weekly, monthly, bi annual depending on the timing, cost, and significance of the goal.
11. Read More Books
I have always loved that saying “The day you stop learning is the day you start dying”. This is a succinct way of describing the learning process and our personal growth.
One of the ways to continually learn is to read books that are great and peculiar to our lives and those that are general for us all.
To achieve this set a goal to read a book every month or if you are a very fast learner and reader, two books every month. You will have read 12 books (if you choose to read a book every month) or 24 books if you choose to read two books every month.
Just imagine that!
Remember, that the end goal is to put into action and practice what you have read after all, what you are aiming at is your personal growth and development.
These self-improvement books have helped my life greatly and I know they will help you too.
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12. Learn To Be A Better Communicator
Your communication skills matter a lot because you need to be a great communicator to win in life generally.
You need to be able to communicate with colleagues/bosses, friends, family, business associates, customers, spouses, and even strangers effectively. If you find that your communication skills are lacking, then this is a goal idea you should set for yourself.
Here is a guide on how to become a better communicator to learn all about communication skills.
13. Learn and Practice Gratitude
Gratitude is a gift that will keep on giving and it is a great way of life and living. I have learned to be grateful for the things I have while I work to get the ones I do not have.
I find that this makes me to be more attuned with nature.
Do you find yourself always complaining? Are you always thinking life isn’t fair to you but is fair to and for others? If you do, then it is time to set goals for gratitude.
There are easy ways you can achieve this. You can choose to use a gratitude journal where you write on a daily, weekly or monthly basis what you are thankful for. Make it a way of life and you will find that you will become more content with life and this will usher in more blessings into your life.
Get this gratitude journal from Creative Market and use these gratitude journal prompts to get started.
14. Do A 30 Day Challenge.
I came across a 30-day challenge Pin on Pinterest the other day and couldn’t help but save it and also share it on my Facebook group where I share Personal Development hacks.
Yes, it was that good and why I am making doing a 30-day challenge a goal idea to set is because it cuts across almost every area of your life. There are lots of 30-day challenges you could do or even maybe a 7-day challenge. This challenge is centered on self-care. Jessica Dowches-Wheeler of Bright Space Coaching put together a list of fifteen 30-Day Challenges she loves and I love them! You should try one of them as your goal ideas for your personal growth.
15. Learn How To Budget and Stick To Your Budget
I am sure you already know that finances is one of the most important aspects of one’s life and learning to master one’s finances, means mastering every other aspect of one’s life so setting goal ideas for budgeting is a great place to start managing finances.
Set monthly goals for your budget. Make budgets and stick to them. There will always be times when emergencies will happen because they are a “fact of life” but when you are able to master your finances, you’ll be able to manage any emergency when and if it occurs.
The goal here is to strive for financial stability.
16. Set Goals To Improve Your Will Power
I believe one of the reasons we fail at setting and achieving goals is because we possess very low willpower. To be successful in life, one needs to have great resolve and willpower. There are lots of things you can do to improve your willpower so you can finish whatever you set out to do.
Your willpower is the control exerted to do something or restrain impulses. Now that you are setting goals for yourself, you need willpower to see them through. You have to be mentally strong and tough
A couple of ways to build willpower include developing small but powerful habits, not taking on too much at a time, taking breaks, and planning for temptations (because babe, trust me there will be temptations).
So set some monthly goals on how to improve your willpower by incorporating those life hacks to do just that.
17. Set Goals To Evaluate Your Life Periodically
There is a cycle known as the PDCA cycle. PDCA is an acronym for Plan, Do, Check, and Act. It is an intricate part of a good management system that anyone can apply to their lives at intervals (monthly, bi-monthly, annually, bi-annual, etc.).
The idea is that you plan, you do (carry out your plans) and then check at intervals to see what is working or not working and then find ways to put measures in place to close any identified gaps.
This is how to evaluate your life periodically to identify areas of Self Improvement. This is worthy of all the goal ideas because it will help you stay the course!
So go on girl and carry out self-evaluation on a needs basis. The more frequent, the better!
Conclusion On Goal Ideas For Your Personal Growth
Goal ideas will be pivotal to your success and lay a solid foundation for every area of your life. There is an art to setting goals and achieving them. To achieve your maximum potential in life, you have to set goals and these goal ideas make for a solid foundation for personal development and improvement.
Goal ideas will help determine what you need to set and achieve for personal growth and overall development in every area of your life.
I hope you found these goal ideas worth your while and if you did, do share and also pin it for later! Also, let us know in the comments about other goal ideas you have!

Kinging Queen