Hilary Clinton once said “women are the greatest untapped natural reserve in the world” and I absolutely agree with her.
Hi there, my name is Jennifer. Welcome to my blog on Lifestyle, Productivity, and Self Improvement. A blog geared towards empowering the modern woman.
I am a Quality and Safety Professional with over 13 years work experience in the Oil and Gas Industry and a Personal Development Coach. As we all know, the Oil and Gas industry is predominantly male. My work experiences as a woman, seating on Management and Supervisory teams clearly showed that women are often “glossed over” at the workplace. From being subjected to extreme cases of Patriarchy and being put down simply because I am a woman, led to the birth of the Kinging Queen Blog. The blog is aptly named the Kinging Queen Blog becauseI am very passionate about the Girl Child.
The Kinging Queen Blog is built on a foundation of helping every woman, young and old to achieve their potentials. From the home front to the office and everything in between. From Lifestyle, Self Improvement, Productivity, Fashion and Beauty, Journaling, Self Care, Personal Finance to Motivation and Helpful Resources, the blog is practically a one stop “Shop” that provides all the resources every woman needs to harness and achieve her potentials where ever she may find herself.
All articles are well reasearched researched and well written. If you are looking for Personal Development and Self Improvement resources, the Self Improvement section got you covered.
The Lifestyle section has everything you need on Home Improvement, Home Decor and general Lifestyle resources to manage your homes.
When Motivation is lacking, the Kinging Queen Blog helps you find your “mojo” back with inspiring Quotes and Affirmations.
The Personal Finance Section has all you need to manage your personal finances, live above debt and live the kind of life you totally deserve.
Journaling has helped women all over the world and it has become an important part of Personal Growth. Journaling is known to reduce stress, depression, improve Mental Health and Well Being, manage anxiety and ensure overall well being. The Kinging Queen Blog will help you begin and maintain your Journaling journey
Self Care and Self Love are trending topics and rightly so. Self Care and Self Love plays a key role in your Personal Development and it’s importance cannot be overemphasized. As women, we give so much in our relationships that most often times, tend to put ourselves on the “back burner”. This is why I also have a Self Care section the modern woman ideas on how to care for their bodies, spirits, souls and minds.
While achieving all these, a woman still needs to care for her self, beauty and fashion wise and that is why there is also a section for Beauty and Fashion. Get everything you need to care for your skin and fashion tips that will have you looking good 24/7.
When the whim catches, I write about myself on Chronicles of Jennifer so my followers can have an insight into the kind of woman and person I am. From sharing my joys, wins and sorrows and every emotion in between, it is an outlet to simply talk about myself.
A Helpful Resources Page is also up on the blog. Here you can find freebies and other paid resources to help you on your Personal Growth Journey. From self care checklists, self care worksheets, mental health worksheets, working from home resources, productivity bundles, home making, gardening and sustainable living, ecetera, you get to choose what suits your needs.
So as you can see, the Kinging Queen Blog is indeed a one stop Shop for every woman aspiring to better versions of themselves.
For Collaboration, Sponsored Posts, Guest Blogging, Brand Partnerships, and other business ventures, please see my LET’S COLLABO page on how to contact me.
I hope you get inspired each time you visit the site daily or on a weekly basis or whenever you find the time. Come aboard this exciting journey to your best self by signing up to receive exclusives directly to your email.
Cheers to a better version of you. You are a kinging queen.