Have you been thinking that your boss is stressing you and probably doesn’t like you? It could be he is testing you. Here are 10 sure signs your boss is testing you.
Employee evaluation is an exercise that does not stop weeks after hiring; it is continuous because employers want to see their money being put to good use.
They do not want to hire employees that won’t help their companies achieve their goals hence the continual testing or evaluation.
If you think your boss is testing you, you may be right; it is part of their job to do so. It isn’t abnormal and as an employee, you should know the signs that your boss is testing you. It will help you win your boss’ heart over.
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Signs Your Boss Is Testing You
Below are the signs your boss is testing you and what to do to pass the test:

1. You Are Asked To Work Extra Hours
If your workload is increased without any explanation, it is a sign that your boss is testing you. They are testing your ability to handle more work on your table. This is often done when they are considering you for a higher position.
This might be a challenging time for you but if you manage your time well to adapt fast to prove to your boss that you are fit for the next level.
2. They Put You In The Spotlight
This is a very subtle way of testing employees and often time, employers use this medium to test employee’s ability to handle power and leadership positions. You must be wary if you notice your boss always put you in the spotlight.
You may be smiling to a new level if you pass this test. So, ensure you don’t mess things up yourself.
3. You Are Given A Tighter Deadline For A Task
Is your boss asking you to finish a one-month task in 2 weeks? They suddenly giving you a tighter deadline? It is a sign that your ability to deliver is being tested. It could also mean that you’ve been amazing in the past and he wants you to increase your speed.
Try all you can to beat the deadline you are given. With that, you will earn more trust from your boss and even subordinates. If a deadline is unrealistic, talk to your boss about it and ensure you back your words up with verifiable reasons.
4. Your Boss Praises Everyone But You
Does your boss compliment your colleagues and neglect you? This is an indication that your boss is testing you. They want to know if you are independent of external motivation.
To pass this test with flying colors, don’t let your boss’s neglect get to you. Motivate yourself and deliver excellently.
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5. They Don’t Give You Detailed Information Anymore
If your boss does not give you details or clear instructions the way he used to, he may be doing that on purpose to know if you’ve grabbed a thing or two from the instruction he has been giving you. It’s also possible that he wants to know if you are proactive enough to handle a hire position or to handle everything in his absence
If you can figure things out on your own and deliver the task you were given, you may be given a new role in your company.

6. Your Boss Ignores Your Calls and Emails
Does your boss ignore your emails, calls, and even your greetings? This may seem awkward but it is a sign that your boss is testing you. Your boss wants to know the level of your emotional toughness because it is a skill any person in a managerial position should have to survive in a fast-growing industry.
Ignore your boss and focus on doing the work you are paid to do. This time around, ensure you improve in every area.
7. Your Boss Keeps A Close Eye On You
If your boss keeps asking for an update, it means that you are on close watch and must be wary because any mistake you make may be costing you much more than you can imagine. Your boss may also be testing your ability to follow instructions.
Stick to the instruction and if any need to change arises, discuss it with your boss before proceeding.
8. They assign Tasks Outside Your Job Description
If your boss assigns task outside your job description it may be that your boss is checking your versatility. Instead of seeing it as a test, see it as an opportunity to learn other skills. It may benefit you in the nearest future.
Adapt faster and your boss will trust you more and you know what that means.
9. Your Boss Makes You A Team Leader Before The Time
You’ve not been in the company for a long time and surprisingly, he made you a team leader over people who came before you. If this is the case, it is a sign that your boss is testing your ability to manage people or your ability to work with a team.
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10. Your Boss Asks For Your Opinion On Crucial Matters
If your boss often seeks your opinion on crucial matters in the company, he may be looking to see if you are fit to handle certain situations in the company in his absence. It’s a good sign because he may be prepping you for a higher position in the company.
How To React When You See Signs Your Boss Is Testing You At Work
If you notice that your boss is testing you following these signs, stay focused and try to understand what your boss wants to achieve. This will help you know how to react but generally, don’t be distracted to avoid messing things up.
If your boss comes with ignoring tactics, ensure you continue to relate with him as usual. Also, avoid discussing it with your colleagues as that may be seen as workplace malpractice. If the situation lingers for long, you can confront your boss professionally. Doing so will increase your relationship with your boss and that will benefit you in no small way.
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Conclusion On Signs Your Boss Is Testing You
These are sure signs that your boss is testing you. The workplace is always fraught with lots of issues and not always easy especially when you are in a toxic work environment.
But when you see these signs, play it by the ear. Be professional and do your best when it comes to the job.
A pay rise and promotion might just be in the offing, girl. So do your thing.
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