101 Random Questions To Ask People To Get To Know Them Better

So you just met this really cool dude or babe you’d like to get to know better but you don’t have a clue as to what to do to break the ice. Kinging Queen is here to the rescue with 101 random questions to ask people to get to know them better.

These random questions are surefire ways to break the ice.

Make people open up to you, and voila, you have an inkling of their personality types and then you can take it from there.

In a fast-growing world where people hide behind texting and social media generally, having one-on-one conversations and getting to know their true nature has become difficult so if you want to know the people who cross your path better, take a line or two from these random questions to ask people.

Random Questions To Ask People To Get To Know Them Better

random questions to ask people
Random Questions To Ask People To Know Them Better

Random questions are icebreakers, they will get the conversation going and you might end up learning a thing or two (of things, ideologies, and information) you hitherto didn’t know.

Here are 101 random questions to ask people you’d like to know better.

101 Random Questions To Ask People To Get To Know Them Better Share on X
  1. Who is your hero
  2. What are your favorite colors?
  3. What motivates you at work?
  4. What is your best music genre?
  5. What is your best movie?
  6. What is your favorite song?
  7. Who is your favorite musician?
  8. What kind of music do you listen to when you are down?
  9. What music lifts your spirit the most?
  10. What is your proudest accomplishment?
  11. What do you love most about your job?
  12. Where was your last vacation destination?
  13. What is on your bucket list?
  14. How did you handle your first challenge in your current job?
  15. What did you want to be when you were small?
  16. who is your favorite author?
  17. What is your favorite book?
  18. What kind of books do you like reading?
  19. If you could eat one meal for the rest of your life, what would it be?
  20. Aside from your job, what else would you rather be doing?

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I reckon by now some of the ice is thawing by now.


But if the ice isn’t thawing yet, there are more random questions you can ask people to really get to know them better.

21. What makes you laugh long and hard?

22. What are your fondest growing-up memories?

23. If you went for a Karaoke night, what would you sing?

24. Who is your favorite Hollywood actor?

25. Who is your favorite Hollywood actress?

26. Who is your mentor?

27. What do you admire most about your mentor?

28. What makes you really angry?

29. How do you handle a bad day?

30. What is your self-care routine?

31. Which house chore is more your forte? Doing the dishes, doing the laundry, ironing, cleaning?

32. What game do you play most on your phone?

33. What is your best sport to watch?

34. Which sport do you enjoy playing?

35. Would you rather go to the gym or do exercises at home?

36. Do you like surprises?

37. Would you rather drive a car, bicycle, tricycle or a horse?

38. If you could choose a different job to do for 48 hours, what would it be?

39. Aside from your profession, which other professions do you admire but rather not do?

40. Who would you like to be stranded in the ocean or desert and why?

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random questions to ask people
Random Questions To Ask People

Random Questions To Ask Someone To Get To Know Them

Random questions are great conversation starters. Asking people like boyfriends, girlfriends, new neighbors, new colleagues, or even random strangers we bump into random questions is a fun way to thaw the ice and fill those awkward moments where you don’t seem to know what to talk about.

So go on and use these amazing random questions to ask people, to get to know them better.

You never can tell where these random questions may lead you because you may end up going on a “fun ride” with the answers you get!

41. What’s the worst thing you have ever done?

42. What is one of your most pleasurable memories?

43. How was your relationship with your parent while growing up?

44. What do you treasure most in life?

45. If you were to go on an adventure, where would you be?

46. What will you do if you win a million dollars?

47. Would you rather win a lottery or work to make money?

48. What is your favorite pastime?

49. Would you rather stay in or go out during the weekends?

random questions to ask people

50. What do you think about religion?

51. What do you think about technology?

52. What do you think about pandemics?

53. Who is the most interesting person you had a conversation with?

54. Do you think God is man or woman?

56. What is your best character trait?

57. What is your worst character trait?

58. What random questions to ask people do you think are great conversation starters?

59. What do you think about sustainable living?

60. Would you like to be famous?

random questions to ask people
Random Questions To Ask People To Know Them Better

The other day, someone walked up to me and asked me what is the meaning of my surname, “Pompaski”. It was one of those random questions to ask people that often leads to great reveals and long conversations.

It was hilarious because I get asked that question a lot and I always enjoy talking about it. We ended up talking about a whole lot from that one single question and if I remember correctly, we talked for like an hour! We asked each other random questions and ended up exchanging numbers.

An interesting conversation I must say! People have met their soul mates in ways like these! Who is to tell what you end up with when you ask random questions?

Here are more random questions to ask people to know and understand them better.

61. What is the best part of your week?

62. Which is your best day of the week and why is it?

63. What do you think about financial freedom?

64. What do think about capitalism?

65. Do you believe in having multiple streams of income?

66. Do you have any side hustle? What is it?

67. What is a hidden talent you have that people don’t know about?

68. What do you enjoy doing alone?

69. Who is your favorite TV character?

70. Would you say you are an ambitious person?

71. What are your aspirations in life?

72. What is your best quote about life?

73. What do you do at night to relax before sleeping?

74. What is one thing you wish you could have changed about growing up?

75. What do you think about parenting styles?

76. Which celebrity would you love to have dinner with?

77. Which celebrity would you love to have a dance with?

78. Which celebrity would you love to have breakfast with?

79. Which celebrity would you love to go on a vacation with?

80. Who would you take with you on an alluring trip and why?

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random questions to ask people
Random Questions To Ask People

Random Questions To Ask A Guy

So you just met a guy and would love to get to know him better? What should you ask? As usual, I got you all my queens’ backs y’all. Part of the random questions to ask people would be questions to ask a guy you’d like to get to know better.

If you like a guy and have been wondering how to get to know him better, here are dope 20 random questions to ask the guy.

81. Would you donate to charity if you win a lottery?

82. What charity organization do you give to and support?

83. What cause is dear to your heart?

84. What is your favorite meal?

85. How do you handle stress?

86. What is the best thing you’ve ever done?

87. What is the worst thing you’ve ever done?

88. What is your favorite place to go to when you want to just clear your head?

89. What is your favorite pastime?

90. Who do you usually share your thoughts, emotions, and feelings with?

91. When was the last time you went on a date?

92. Eating out or eating in. Which do you prefer?

93. What do you think is your best-selling attribute?

94. What story shaped and defined you the most?

95. What would you rather do on a night out with friends?

96. Which sport do you love playing?

97. Would you say you are an extrovert or introvert?

98. What are your personal goals?

99. What do you find attractive in a woman?

100. What do you expect from a love relationship?

101. What kind of childhood did you have?


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random questions to ask a guy
Random Questions To Ask People

Conclusion On Random Questions To Ask People

If you are looking for conversation starters and icebreakers, look no further. These random questions to ask questions will not only thaw the ice, they will let you know people on a much deeper level and help you build meaningful relationships and friendships.

Do you know of any other random questions to ask people if you want to get to know them better? If you, please share with us in the comment section below and I will include them in this blog post.

Go and share these random questions to ask people with friends on social media platforms.

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Random Questions To Ask People

Kinging Queen

Jennifer Pompaski
Jennifer Pompaski

Hi, my name is Jennifer. I am an Engineer by day and a blogger 24/7. I am passionate about Self Improvement & Productivity and this blog is dedicated to that passion! I hope you find it worthwhile each time you visit! If you do find anything helpful on here, kindly share because sharing is caring!

Find me on: Web | Twitter/X | Instagram | Facebook


  1. Bakaiwe Kolwe Abdias
    June 22, 2022 / 10:42 am

    Wow so interesting Jennifer made me discover once more.

    • June 22, 2022 / 10:57 am

      Thanks BK. Glad you could get some questions to ask people from the article. Thanks for being a part of the Kinging Queen Tribe.

  2. May 7, 2022 / 6:42 pm

    This questions are very good

  3. February 9, 2022 / 5:30 am

    Have to admit that meeting new people gives me butterfly’s more challenge is to start conversation and keep it flowing…

  4. February 8, 2022 / 12:54 am

    Thanks for sharing ❤️

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