How To Rekindle The Love and Attraction In Your Relationship: 5 Instant Tricks

how to rekindle the love
How To Rekindle The Love In Your Relationship

Queens, we all know love could be a “tricky” thing. Of course, you want to feel loved and appreciated, but sometimes the romance seems to disappear. There are many reasons why this can happen, life gets in the way, or you become complacent with your partner. The good news is that it’s not too late! These five sexy and cute tricks will teach you how to rekindle the love and attraction with your partner.

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How To Rekindle The Love and Attraction In Your Relationship: 5 Instant Tricks Share on X

How To Rekindle The Love In Your Relationship

If you are looking for tips and tricks on how to rekindle the love in your relationship, here are 6 amazing ways to do just.

Before you read, be sure you still believe in the relationship and that it will be worth your while to rekindle. Do not put efforts in toxic relationship just because you want love and affection. It is best to let go, practice Self Love and you will attract the right kind of love into your life.

Are you unsure if you should rekindle the love between yourself and your partner? The post below talks about 9 relationship questions you must ask if you want to transform and enhance your love life.

9 Relationship Questions That Will Completely Transform Your Love Life

How To Rekindle The Love and Attraction In Your Relationship: 5 Sexy Ways To Do It! Share on X
How To Rekindle The Love In Your Relationship

1. Dare Your Partner To Do Something Exciting

Ask your partner what they’ve always wanted to do but never had the guts or opportunity. It could be a physical dare, like jumping out of an airplane with them. It can also be emotional, like kissing their parents in public and telling them how much you love them, or it could be intellectual, like getting them to debate something they are passionate about with you. Dare your partner to do something that you know will make them happy and fulfilled.

The idea is to get them out of their comfort zone and into the feeling that they are on a date with someone who really, truly wants them; it’s about making sure that this person knows how much you care for them and appreciates your time together.

It is a great way to rekindle the passion that you may have lost over time. After all, everyone needs some spontaneity in their life, and it’s always worth it for your partner to take notice of how much they mean to you by taking risks with them!

2. Set The Scene

Your partner is important. Therefore, you arrange a date. There’s no question about that. You should dress up a little if you can and plan to meet at a nice place like a fancy restaurant or coffee shop in your area. 

how to rekindle the love: set romantic scenes
How To Rekindle The Love

Photo by Jonathan Borba on Unsplash

If you need help with conversation topics, you can try talking about what each other has been doing lately, how they’re feeling/doing physically (you know, health talk!), or their plans for the near future (the next few days).

It’s also helpful to do things outside of work occasionally, so use this opportunity as an excuse to learn something new together. Whether it is making sushi or painting ceramics, it’s essential to try new things, and trust me; you’ll end up having a lot more fun than if you just went out to your typical restaurant.

3. Be Spontaneous

When you’re with your partner, take time to plan something impromptu and unexpected that will make them happy (for example, a surprise getaway). A romantic getaway can be the answer to your dull love life. You only need to have the right tools and tips to get the best results. A candle-lit dinner ending in a bit of role-playing and dressing up in Erotic Lingerie will not hurt.  If they refuse or feel like it’s too much, don’t push; be mindful about what their needs are rather than trying to fulfill yours.

how to rekindle the love: be spontaneous
How To Rekindle The Love

Photo by Puvvukonvict photography on Unsplash

Relationship expert, Laura Doyle, boldly states that if you have been getting busy more often with your sock drawer than your man, you’re probably “beyond ready to switch things up” – which is understandable. But Laura cautions against adding it to the to-list. Nothing kills the vibe faster than making sex a chore. Instead, Laura recommends a new mantra to rekindle the intimacy in your marriage… “receive, receive, receive.” She continues to explain that it “may not be on your schedule. Maybe you’re elbow deep in dishwater or busy writing a blog and his friskiness is bad timing.” If it is indeed the worst possible time, do you say yes anyway? According to Laura, yes! And sex isn’t the only thing she recommends you be open to, stating physical intimacy includes lingering kisses, hugs and holding hands. Flex your receiving muscles, daily.

Try new things together and get creative. Go out of your comfort zone through something like trying sushi in public, going on an art walk, or anything else that sounds fun and adventurous but different from what you usually do. It will spice things up by bringing freshness into your relationship along with increased levels of intimacy because there’s no pressure involved (you can go back to doing whatever it was you ordinarily do next week). It also provides some relief when one person feels stuck in the routine.

4. Leave Love Notes

Research has shown that people who leave love notes feel more connected to their partner and have a greater chance of staying together. So if you’ve been feeling disconnected from your physical relationship, this might be the trick for you!

how to rekindle the love: love notes
How To Rekindle The Love

Photo by from Pexels

Write something sweet on a notecard or slip it into his jacket pocket before leaving for work in the morning. It can be anything from “I’m so happy to be with you” to “What are you doing later?” You’ll both know how much each other means when there’s evidence all around. Just make sure not to forget where you put them because they’re worth finding if someone else finds them first!

5. Initiate “Hot” Conversations

This last here tip on how to rekindle the love and attraction in your relationship is my favorite!


Talking about things like what present would be perfect for each other or where we should go on vacation next week may seem trivial, but it will impact the way you feel about one another. And this is just one example! 

There are so many ways that intimate conversation time can help, whether it’s discussing goals and aspirations or fun stories from when you first met. The best thing of all, there is no need to have deep talks every day since they don’t always lead to the best conversations.  But just a few intimate conversations can make the most significant difference!

How To Rekindle The Love and Attraction In Your Relationship: 5 Sexy Ways To Do It! Share on X
how to rekindle the love
How To Rekindle The Love In Your Relationship

Conclusion: How To Rekindle The Love In Your Relationship

These 6 tricks should work the magic on how to rekindle the love in your relationship. The idea that love needs to die so it can be reborn is a myth. You may experience attraction for another person in the future, but you have the power to bring your romantic relationships back from the brink and make them work. It is because there are many things you can do right now to rekindle intense feelings of being attracted to your partner.

What ways are you using to rekindle the love and attraction in your relationships? Share in the comment section below.

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How To Rekindle The Love and Attraction In Your Relationship: 5 Sexy Ways To Do It! Share on X
how to rekindle the love
How To Rekindle The Love In Your Relationship

Kinging Queen

Jennifer Pompaski
Jennifer Pompaski

Hi, my name is Jennifer. I am an Engineer by day and a blogger 24/7. I am passionate about Self Improvement & Productivity and this blog is dedicated to that passion! I hope you find it worthwhile each time you visit! If you do find anything helpful on here, kindly share because sharing is caring!

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