71 Fun Relationship Questions You Will Love To Ask Your Spouse!

fun relationship questions

A relationship is never too new or old for some fun relationship questions. Trust me. You might learn a thing or two about your partner that you didn’t know before!


Imagine discovering that your partner really loves cats instead of dogs and just wanted to make you happy just because you are a dog lover.

Asking fun relationship questions is a great way to get the giggles and laughs in, bond over, and get to know each other a little more. There are deep relationship questions you should ask your spouse to get to know them on a very deep level but these fun relationship questions will probably give some deep vibes that you will love.


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Fun Relationship Questions

When couples indulge in asking fun relationship questions, it helps them grow and improves communication. I am all for fun. When you have someone you can truly communicate with on a level that makes you feel very free to ask flirty, romantic, and fun questions, you have a gold mine.

Some men are so stuck up that you can barely have fun with them! That is why it is essential to look for these qualities if you are looking for a high-value man to date and spend the rest of your awesome self with.

Here at Kinging Queen, we believe in love. We love, love and we want you to have fun with your spouses and that is why we have developed these 71 fun relationship questions to have fun with!

Fun Relationship Questions For Couples To Bond Over

fun relationship questions

Let’s dig right in, Queens.

1. What would you do if a dog started pursuing you?

2. How do you like being kissed?

3. What was your first heartbreak like?

4. Who was your first teenage date?

5. What did you wear to prom?

6. Do you like the fact that you are the firstborn?

7. Would you rather be a man or a woman?

8. If you were given the power to choose between being a President or a high-powered criminal, which would you choose?

9. What is the name of your first toy?

10. How do you cope with embarrassment?

11. How did you cope with your first heartbreak?

12. Who was your first crush?

13. How was your first kiss and who was it with?

14. Do you believe in a supreme being who orchestrates life?

15. Do you believe in karma?

16. Would you say there is such a thing as destiny or fate?

17. How would you rate technology as an influence in your life?

18. What do you think about Elon Musk?

19. What are your thoughts about Covid conspiracy theories?

20. Do you think God is man or woman?

fun relationship questions

Fun Relationship Questions

Get your spouse rolling on the floor, giggling, and happy with these fun relationship questions.

21. How would you rate your first sexual experience?

22. Have you ever cheated on anyone?

23. Have you ever been cheated on?

24, What are your thoughts about cheating?

25. Which funny family tradition do you have?

25. What do you secretly call your JT?

26. What funny experience do you recollect from when you were a kid?

27. How do you feel when other men check me out?

28. Do you think UFOs are real?

29. What is your most embarrassing sexual moment?

30. What will you do if you win the lottery?

31. What is one silly thing you secretly wish for?

32. How do you manage emotions like anger?

33. What is the silliest thing on your bucket list?

34. What would you do with a million dollars?

35. Would you go skinny dipping on a beach?

36. Would you say you are a creative person?

37. What is your go-to place when you want to think?

38. What is your favorite TV show from your teenage years?

39. What cringeworthy thing did you do in high school?

40. How did you feel when you landed your first job and got your first pay?


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fun relationship questions

Fun Relationship Questions To Ask Your Boyfriend

The giggles continue with more funny relationship questions!

41. If you could play a fictional character, who would it be?

42. Which silly childhood memory do you still hold on to?

43. What is your secret wish?

44. Which Hollywood star do you have a crush on?

45. What is the worst pickup line you ever used?

46. Have you ever been drunk?

47. What is your most professional embarrassing moment at the office?

48. What is the one silly thing you indulge in that you don’t want others to know about?

49. Are you a crybaby or the stoic type when you are ill?

50. What is your love language?

51. Which is more important? Foreplay or sex?

52. If you could eat only one kind of food for a week, what would it be?

53. If you are dropped off in the desert, what will you do first?

54. Would you rather be ball-headed or wear a wig?

55. Would you rather have a snake or an alligator as a pet?

56. Who is your favorite? Tom or Jerry?

57. Be a rock star or a comedian?

58. Would you rather be the villain or the superhero in a movie?

59. What secret name did you call your favorite toy when you were a kid?

60. would you rather travel back in time or travel forward in time?

fun relationship questions

Fun Relationship Questions

61. Would you rather be an astronaut or a magician?

62. Have you ever been caught in a compromising position?

63. What makes you laugh anytime you see it?

64. Road trip or beach picnic?

65. Would you walk naked down the street if you were given one thousand dollars?

66. Have you ever farted in a public place?

67. What would do if you across a bear?

68. Would you rather spend time caressing than doing the do?

69. Which do you prefer? Snuggling in front of the fire or being cozy in bed?

70. What’s the most silliest prank you have ever pulled off?

71. What is your strangest experience in life?

fun relationship questions

Conclusion On Fun Relationship Questions

Fun relationship questions are great conversation starters for couples and will definitely help you and your spouse have some real fun and get to know some silly bits of each other!

So ask away and have some fun while at it. Laughter is good for the soul!

Go ahead and share these fun relationship questions in your circle. Facebook, Tweet, and Pin. Remember, sharing is caring!

fun relationship questions

Kinging Queen

Jennifer Pompaski
Jennifer Pompaski

Hi, my name is Jennifer. I am an Engineer by day and a blogger 24/7. I am passionate about Self Improvement & Productivity and this blog is dedicated to that passion! I hope you find it worthwhile each time you visit! If you do find anything helpful on here, kindly share because sharing is caring!

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