Hobbies for women: Amazing Hobbies For Women To Enrich Their Lives
You know, hobbies for women is something I believe every woman should take seriously no matter their age. They can give you a sense of purpose and a drive to be more.
There is nothing more exhilarating and liberating when you have an hobby that gives you a sense of purpose and keeps you grounded.
You are probably bored and/or been listless for sometime now. It is like you aren’t seeing anything or yourself in a new light . You don’t know what to do or how to add a spark to your life but I guarantee you these hobbies for women will give you the push in the right direction.
It doesn’t and shouldn’t matter if you are in your 20s, 30s, 40s, 50s or even 60s. There is always something that you can learn right away to add more purpose to your life.
What more, you can make some cool money while engaging in these hobbies! Now, who doesn’t like some money making side hustles?
I know you all love money like I do so let us learn some new hobbies and start making some money.
Hobbies for women: Amazing Hobbies For Women To Empower Themselves Share on XHobbies For Women: How To Get Started
Before we talk about these hobbies, let me state that it shouldn’t all be about money. There are hobbies that you will choose from this list of hobbies for women that will just be a means to relax at the end of a stressful day or even hobbies for when you are having a bad day.
Hobbies can keep you grounded, help you manage your emotions, prolong your life and keep you sharp. They are also known to improve your focus.
Hobbies are known to benefit our mental health and well being and they are also great for elderly people to maintain their mental health as well.
Oregon Consulting has this to say about how hobbies benefit our lives. “Having a hobby can be very beneficial for our mental health. Hobbies have been know to lower stress, improve physical health, improve sleep, more social connections, improved work performance, and increased happiness”.
If you feel choosing an hobby would be a bit difficult or you wouldn’t know where to start, then use this guide to help make a choice about the hobbies for women you’d like to adopt.

1. Select An Hobby That You Are Genuinely Interested In: I am an avid reader. Always have been and I equally like writing. No brainer there and it is the major reason I started the Kinging Queen brand. An hobby you are genuinely interested in will fuel your passion and further give you that which you seek for.
I feel this freedom whenever I am reading or writing. My worries fade away and I am always laser focused. Like now, the goal is to ensure I finish this article and publish by this weekend (today is Thursday).
So, choose an hobby that you will be passionate about!
2. Think About Time Management: Many women do not have hobbies because they believe there is simply no time in the 24 hours to “indulge in an hobby”.
I truly understand where this “thinking” is from so I cannot fault any woman thinking like this because in as much as I love writing, I have to find a way to strike a balance between blogging and my main job.
The idea is to strike a balance and manage your time properly so you can have some time to have an hobby you truly love and indulge in it.
3. Think Purpose. Not Productivity
Remember how I said up there that having an hobby shouldn’t be about making it a side hustle that brings money alone but to see it from the perspective of it being a tool for relaxing, improving sleep and mental health and general wellbeing?
Your hobby should then be about purpose not productivity. Don’t approach having an hobby like you approach meeting deadlines at the office or in your business. Approach it like something you do to make yourself feel better and fulfilled.
Since we have “how to get started” down pat for selecting from the list of hobbies for women, let’s get right in the nitty gritty!
By the way, it doesn’t matter if you are in your 20s, 30s, 40s, 50s or even above 60! There are hobbies for just about any age! So, no one is left out!
Hobbies For Women: 35 Hobbies To Improve & Enrich Your Life
Hobbies for women are hobbies women can indulge in to make their lives more meaningful, relieve stress, improve their mental well being and general wellness.
It is also a way to make more money, should they be so inclined.
The other day, I wrote about Computer Based Hobbies that will broaden your technical skills and I believe it was a hit because I got a lot of questions from my Facebook Group about it and most of these questions were from women.
So, there is a need to talk about building new and great habits by discovering our hidden talents that will manifest in these women hobbies.
Here are 65 women hobbies you can choose from.
1. Knitting

Knitting is something I have always found intriguing and interesting I must say! I remember one of my sisters coming back home with a knitting machine she had saved money from buying during the compulsory one year National Youth Service in my country.
She made these really beautiful cardigans from the machine. I also remember her telling me she fell in love with knitting when a friend introduced her to it and she never looked back because it gave her a sense of purpose.
If knitting is something that you have always found interesting and intriguing, then take it up and start filling those lazy days with even more purpose.
2. Braiding

Braiding is something I would love to learn. I am very much fascinated by and crazy about African braids. So much so, I wear different braids styles year round. Whoever knows me very well, knows they are my favorite.
It is an hobby of my late sister. She could braid her hair just looking at the mirror. I am talking fantastic styles. She was that good. You don’t need expertise. Practicing on a doll with some hair will get you from one to a hundred percent in no time.
Braiding is also therapeutic so you have lots of benefits to get when you take up braiding as an hobby.
3. Painting

Painting is known to enhance problem solving and motor skills. It is a great stress relief, helps build emotional growth, stimulates an optimistic attitude, improves your creativity and bolsters memory.
Does, this sound like one of the hobbies for women, you’d like to try?
Painting is very therapeutic and you don’t need to go to a art school to become a painter. My brother who is an Electrical Engineer picked up painting in his undergrad days and has never looked back. All you need is a paint brush, some color and an easel.
Voila, you have got an hobby! You just need to be creative and let your inner Leonardo Da Vinci come into full force. You may just paint the next Monalisa.
No pressure though. Remember that!
4. Reading

Reading is one of the best hobbies for women I would suggest to any woman of any age looking for an hobby!
It is cathartic. Liberating and a super stress reliever! Reading is a life saver for me. Has been a life saver and I reckon it will always be so! Reading makes me forget the immediate worries, gives me focus and clarification.
So yes, reading is a great hobby for women. Just have a book in that your favorite bag. Take it out when you are in between meetings, in waiting rooms, standing in queues and even just before going to bed!
It something you can do anytime and anywhere and this is what makes it a great hobby for women and anyone for that matter!
You can also explore different reading materials such as magazines, comics, and graphic novels which you can conveniently purchase at online bookstores.
5. Blogging

If you have a passion for a particular topic and issue, you can very well take up a blogging hobby as a woman. There are lots of female bloggers out there and there’s room for more women.
My blog (this one you are reading) is a Personal Development and Lifestyle blog for designed specifically for women. I have always had a passion for personal development so this was easy to delve into as a hobby. When I research and write blog posts, I find it very worth my while because I see it as helping others grow. It is like giving back to society.
So if you have a passion for a cause you’d like to talk about, then blogging is one of the hobbies for women you should definitely take up.
All you need is a Content Management System like WordPress, Blogger or Wix and a hosting company like NameCheap and SiteGround.
6. Writing

Have you ever found yourself writing love notes, poems and some other fun things on paper, in a jotter or a journal or just about anywhere you find?
Then, taking up an hobby in writing may just be for you!
It doesn’t have to be all suave and well put together. Get a beautiful notebook like this one from Amazon or any notebook lying around in your apartment and have a go at writing.
When those words “strike”, just pick a pen and start writing. To be more effective with your writing, it is best to always have your notebook and pen handy, in your handbag.
I usually have a notebook or journal handy in my hand bags because I am one of those persons that get struck by words in the middle of nowhere so I always have to be prepared. At times, I just write on my phone especially at nights when I do not have any writing material close by.
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7. Coloring

Have you heard about adult coloring? It is a thing and gaining popularity. This is one of hobbies for women I think is great for women especially those who are art inclined and have a thing for colors and painting.
To begin coloring as an adult, you need to get adult coloring books. Adult coloring is focused on wellness and health unlike children coloring where the focus is on the colors themselves and helping them focus on coloring within the lines.
It is said to be therapeutic and I can just imagine how that would be like because I totally relate!
8. Calligraphy

Calligraphy is a special writing. It is a visual form of art that is related to writing. It is the design and execution of lettering using a special pen, an ink brush, or other writing instrument. The letterings done in calligraphy are so beautiful, one is always left awed when they come across them. They are most often times used in wedding invitations, font designs, logos, commissioned calligraphic arts, memorial documents to mention but a few.
For someone who has a flair for beautiful letterings, calligraphy is an hobby I’d like to take onboard since it will likely go well with my blog. Think graphic designs!
If you have a flair for this, then calligraphy is definitely one hobby you should take on.

9. Videography

Videography is a great technical computer skill for women of all ages. I don’t like it when we are told we cannot do certain things because we are a “certain age”. It just doesn’t make sense to me at all.
Videography is essentially electronic capture of moving images on electronic media such as digital cameras, video tapes. Videography also includes streaming media. From video editing to post production.
But don’t be bedazzled by all that grammar, darling.
Videography is video taking.
If you are the hands on type that loves making and editing videos using your smartphone or something that sounds like you could absolutely love doing, then think about taking up this hobby to further enrich your life.
Get your smartphone, make videos and show off on TikTok and Instagram.
Life is for the living!
10. Gaming

Just in case you don’t know, gaming refers to playing electronic games or video games using game consoles, VR (virtual reality) Goggles, computer or even your smartphone. A gamer simply enjoys it as a gamer while professional gamers play to make money.
Gaming isn’t only for kids. It is also for adults and it is a great hobby to help relax at the end of a stressful day or just while away time and cool off.
11. Candle Making

I love scented candles and I buy them a lot. The making of candle is very intriguing and only the thought of the different aromas makes me swoon. In a good way of course.
Do you love candles like I do? Does the idea of candle making fascinate you? If you do, then why don’t you take up this hobby? Give it a try and I am sure you will love it.
Pinterest has great DIY ideas for candle making and a great place to get started on this one hobbies for women.
12. Photography

If you are constantly being called upon during BFF nights and family functions to capture those corny, funny, hilarious and nostalgic moments, then just maybe you have a knack for photography darling and you should definitely take it up as an hobby.
There are people who just know what to do with a camera when they lay their hands on. Best angles, best poses, best everything, you name it, they’ve got the knack for it.
If photography is your thing and a hobby you’d like to take up, your phone is the first place to start. Take those pictures of nature, people, parks, sunsets, sunrises, flowers, cute dogs and cats and everything in between starting today.
My friend Veronica, fondly called the Hip Mama is one fun, care free photographer you might learn a thing or two from if you do take on photography as an hobby.
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13. Dancing

Oh, the joys of dancing! I am swaying my body right now as I am writing this you all! Dancing is my thing and I absolutely love it! I think I am a good stepper but I may be wrong.
Dancing has a ton of health benefits aside the fact that it is one of the best hobbies of women if you ask me. From improved muscle strength, improved endurance, better aerobic fitness, improved self confidence and esteem and losing weight, dancing is one hobby that is guaranteed to help you relax and enjoy your life.
So girl, put on those dancing shoes and dance away the worries and tension.
14. Singing

I can’t sing to save my life. My voice is croaky but I don’t care so I sing anyways. My point is, you don’t have to be a celebrated songstress to take up singing as an hobby. Just bell out those lines anytime you feel stressed. Be deliberate about it.
Take out time to sing alone or for friends and family if you are so inclined. If sitting in a quiet park or room or doing it while having your bath, cooking or driving, more like it for you, then go ahead and indulge in it.
15. Art Collection

Collecting art is another hobby that women can have to enhance their lives. You don’t need to collect art made by Leonardo Da Vinci or Michelangelo to be known as an art collector.
There are lots of young vibrant artists in your vicinity and neighboring towns and cities. You can get good art from thrift and have a collection. If you are looking for inspiration on how to start art collection as an hobby, there are great art collectors on Instagram you can follow. The guys at Larry’s List put up a great list of the top 50 Art Collectors on Instagram that you might want to check out!
16. Song Writing

Song writing is one of the hobbies for women that I believe will benefit women who are good at composing and know a bit of music rudiments.
As a matter of fact, you don’t need to know music rudiments. If you are good at composing songs, then writing songs is an hobby you should definitely take on!
A songwriter is someone who writes lyrics for songs or a lyricist as it is often called while a songwriter is mostly regarded as a professional musician who composes songs.
Whatever the name is called, the bottom line is writing songs and if you have a flare for this, then this is definitely a women hobby you should adopt.
The music industry needs more song writers and who knows, this hobby might just turn into an exciting career in song writing!
Way to go darling!

17. Interior Decoration

Interior décor is so my thing! Like, I have a thing for beautiful things and I love making my home feel cozy
Pretty vases, beautiful art, color combos, colorful throws and pillows, beautiful African raffia adorning walls, pouches, just name it. I love having them in my spaces and also love giving friends and family tips on how to make their homes more beautiful.
There was a time I even romanticized the idea of pursuing a career in interior décor professionally or just owing an interior decor retail outlet so I can help people have the home of their dreams!
Does this sound like you too?
If it does, then take up the hobby of interior decoration. Start with friends and family. A beautiful cheap piece here and there, a home maker idea, kitchen revamp ideas, bathroom hacks and every other trick you’ve got up your sleeve.
As a matter of fact, I have just the ideas you need on my Home Décor board on Pinterest with over 2000 pins to get you started on this hobby!
Go check it out.
18. Cooking

Again I love cooking!
Yes, I do! I am known for cooking a signature local delicacy called “jollof rice” in my country. It is always “finger licking worthy” even if my eyes are closed while preparing it!
Damn! I am that good!
But this isn’t about my cooking prowess!
It is about you choosing an hobby that will enrich and enhance your life and if cooking sounds like any of these hobbies for women that you’d like to adopt, then go for it.
Cooking is therapeutic for me. I am happy when I cook.
I reckon it would be for you too!
19. Gardening

Imagine an hobby that staves off loneliness, exposes you to Vitamin D, boosts your mood, decreases dementia risk and also absolutely enjoyable.
These are some of the benefits you reap when you choose gardening as an hobby.
Get those pots out and get your hands “dirty” with those mulch and grow some plants and herbs, groom some flowers and enhance your mental health and well being in the process.
20. Create Video Games
How does creating video games sound like for an hobby? I would say it sounds really good. Who doesn’t love video games?
If programming is your thing, then you should definitely take up creation of video games as an hobby.
Bit Degree has a full tutorial on how to create video games. It is so detailed, it will get you up to speed on how to create your very first video game!
21. Jewelry Making

Yes, to wearing jewelry! I absolutely love jewelry and it is something I invest in, consciously! I love fashion accessories that enhances and add to my fashion style so if you are a jewelry maker, I will be sure to make you my friend!
Jewelry are always in fashion. Always! This means that this a lucrative hobby for women that you can easily enjoy doing while making cool money on the side.
Be creative. Start off with easy pieces. Gift them to friends, family, colleagues. You may just get your first gig from doing that!
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22. Web Design
Being a blogger opened up a lot of opportunities to learn about things that I ordinarily wouldn’t have given thought to nor maybe come across.
From learning about Content Management Systems, web designs, creating graphics and digital marketing to learning about Search Engine Optimization.
Web design is a not just one of the best hobbies for women, it is a lucrative one. I can confidently tell you that.
Web design is essentially the design of websites that are displayed on the internet. It focuses on user experience. Your work as web designer would be to work on the appearance and layout of a website.
I usually doodle around my website theme using the customization tools provided by the firm that I bought the theme from.
To find out more about this hobby, check out this Beginner’s Guide: How to Learn Web Designing at Home by Medium.
23. Graphics Design
Graphics design is a huge part of blogging for bloggers. Graphic designs are these images you see on the article.
All of them were done by me using a free resource known as Befunky. When I started out, my designs were horrible to say the least but with time, I have been able to perfect it.
If you have a flare for designing, graphic design should be your thing. You can create worksheets, templates, planners and every thing in between and guess what, they are lots of free resources you can use to learn graphic design.
Absolutely free.
Canva is one of the favorites. I never mastered it but I bet you can. Others include Vista Create, Adobe Spark, Krita, Lunacy, Gravit, Blender to mention but a few. You can also get free stock photos from sites like Unsplash and Pexels to use for your designs.
The world of graphic design is exciting I must say! I am always excited and awed when designing graphics and I am not that good!
This is definitely my best hobbies for women!
Have I already said that? Oh well!
It is also an hobby that will fetch you lots of money as a side hustle if you are so inclined!
Take a minute and share this on Twitter and share/pin the graphic design below!
Hobbies for women: Amazing Hobbies For Women To Enrich Their Lives Share on X
24. Playing Video Games
Who says video games are for men alone? You too can enjoy playing video games.
To make it more enjoyable, invite your friends over. You can as well grab a box of pizza and a bottle of wine. If you don’t enjoy playing alone, you can visit any game center or play with your family.
25. Embroidery

You might begin to wonder why embroidery made it to the list of hobbies for women. Embroidery is a good way to relax as well as make beautiful things out of colourful threads.
Think about the joy of making your baby’s cloth using your needle and thread. The feeling you would get after seeing the outcome is exciting.
If you are not too good at it, you can pay to learn or join an embroidery club. It will be fun, I promise.
26. Learn Origami

If you love creating extraordinary stuff out of the ordinary, try out origami. Origami is the art of folding paper into amazing shapes.
The good news is that once you cultivate this hobby and do it excellently, you can also earn from it. School owners invest a lot into these folded papers as it helps their pupils in mathematical and reasoning development.
It will also benefit you as a mother too. You can use folded papers to boost your kids’ creativity. It’s sequel to killing two birds with a stone; having fun while making nice stuff with paper and at the end using the product to help your kids.
27. Learn Calligraphy
What’s so fun in calligraphy? Calligraphy is time-consuming and doesn’t have benefits. This shouldn’t be on the list of hobbies for women. You think so? If you have that question and thought in your head, I suggest you rethink.
Calligraphy is an art that increases neuronal activities. A lot happens when one carefully writes beautiful texts. It helps one to develop the ability to stay focused and psychologists use it for patients with temperamental issues. This means that it is therapeutic.
Apart from the health benefits of calligraphy, it can pull dollars into your wallet. If you become so good at it, you can be contracted by companies that pay well.
28. Running
By running, I don’t mean the type you watch athletes do. Jogging through the woods is a good example. It is best if you are prone to depression. While running, you get to breathe in fresh air, see things that will help get rid of ill thoughts, and also achieve fitness.
The good thing is that you won’t have to spend anything. You can easily grab an easy-fit cloth and do your thing with no interference.
It’s advised you run either in the early hours of the morning or at sunset. It’s a hobby and not a chore. You should enjoy doing it.
29. Hiking

Hiking, just like camping, is one of the major hobbies for women. Women love nature and are willing to spend hours appreciating it. I know you are no different. This is why you should try out hiking if you’ve not been doing so.
Aside from the beautiful view that you would be seeing, hiking helps to get rid of mental stress. It’s a temporary cure for anxiety especially when it’s done alongside humorists who know how to tell the right jokes.
There are things you must take note of though. If you have a phobia of heights or you have no friends to go hiking with, you shouldn’t consider this hobby for safety reasons. Also, ensure you gird yourself with good hiking footwear to avoid getting hurt.

30. Wood Working

If you enjoy looking at beautiful wood carvings, why not learn how to make some for yourself?
Woodworking isn’t a men’s thing, lots of women pick wood carving as their hobby and many are in the business for real.
The demand for woodwork is increasing by the day, hence, the reason most women who picked woodworking as a hobby turn it into a business once they are good at it.
If you are afraid of getting hurt by the tools, not to worry, you would know how to handle each tool if you are taught properly by professionals in the field. If your kids are the issue, you can construct a workshop in your compound or choose a room where you do all the woodwork out of your children’s reach.
31. Take Up A Sport
There are lots of sports that you can go into and have lots of fun. Apart from running and hiking, there are other indoor and outdoor sports types you can subscribe to.
You can learn how to ride a bike and have fun doing so. You can also learn how to play volleyball if you have the height. Basketball isn’t bad at all, you can get yourself registered and enjoy great moments with team members.
If you are an introvert and don’t enjoy crowds, you can get a tennis board and invite a few friends over. You can even select a few people that will come play with you on selected days and times.
32. Start Yoga

I’m sure this doesn’t sound weird because lots of women practice yoga. Women do it more than men and this is why it is labeled women stuff but it’s not.
Yoga is a mind-calming activity. It brings peace to the soul as well as recharges the physical body. You will never regret picking yoga as a hobby because the positive effect will be seen in every area of your life.
It helps in strategic decision-making. If you are a career woman who has lots of thinking to do, yoga will help you calm your nerves and position your thoughts to the right things.
33. Bowling

In case you are new to it, bowling is a sport that involves the rolling of a ball toward pins or another target. It’s a stress-free game that you can enjoy while sipping flavoured juice. The good thing is that it isn’t so difficult to comprehend. Even if you have not practiced it before, you can grab some lessons while watching others play it.
If you are about to ask what you would gain from it, then, you should know that bowling helps in muscle improvement and also helps to get rid of arm fat. You should try bowling with your friends and have good fun!
34. Swimming
Swimming is among the most fun hobbies for women because it doesn’t involve work. Just like jogging and other recreational activities, swimming helps to calm the nerves in no small way. It’s more enjoyable because it involves coming in contact with water.
You should try this out if you are good at it and if you are not, register for swimming classes and practice in the presence of experienced people. You should also avoid swimming if you have health issues such as pneumonia or you consult your doctor before doing so.
35. Coin Collection
Women love to collect stuff that they like. It’s surprising how they create ample time for this. They collect a whole lot of things including stones and coins and most times, they do it in groups.
If you have a flair for coins, you should go on a coin collection. Invite your friends or enjoy the moment with your siblings or daughters.
Conclusion On Hobbies For Women
Did you see hobbies that suit your personality?
The list of hobbies for women is ending. All you need to do is choose anyone whether on the list or not, and enjoy yourself doing it. Remember, It’s a hobby and not a chore. If the one you chose gives you unnecessary stress, drop it and go for another.
You are also allowed to go for more than one. The choice is yours. Just ensure you have all the fun you deserve.
Hobbies should add more fun and relaxation to your life and that is the goal here. If any of these hobbies are making you feel stressed, then they are no longer hobbies but work!
It is best to choose an hobby that resonates with you, makes you happy, feel relaxed when doing it and absolutely stress free. I hope you are able to choose from these hobbies for women, one that will make your life even more enjoyable than it currently is.
Have fun with these hobbies and don’t forget to share these beautiful hobbies with the women in your life.

kinging Queen
Awww. That’s great! Mine are reading, blogging, writing, interior decor (my favorite lol). Thanks for joining the conversation Kirsten! Have a pleasant weekend!