60 Journal Prompts For Anxiety

Journaling is a great way to improve your mental health and well-being. Journal prompts are powerful prompts that will help you understand your emotions and how to manage them. Here are 50 journal prompts for anxiety.

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Journaling Ideas For Anxiety

If there is one thing that is recommended above all else when it comes to living with anxiety, it is using a journal. But it gets complicated and confusing when you aren’t sure how to actually use a journal. Do you write whatever you are thinking? Is it meant to be used as a diary? Do you write about gratitude or use writing prompts?

The answer is: yes to all of it! One thing that can help you decide is to figure out what kind of anxiety you have, and how it is affecting you. Certain forms of journaling can help a lot with different issues relating to your anxiety.

Healthline, one of my favorite go-to resource websites, has all the details you need to know about anxiety, causes, symptoms, and all that.

How Do You Start Journaling for Anxiety?

There are several ways you can start journaling for anxiety. You need a journal to begin the process and I highly recommend this Journal to begin your journaling. These Anxiety Worksheets are also a great idea to help you work through your anxiety

It is ideal to start at a pace that is comfortable for you so you don’t overwhelm yourself and then be anxious all over again. The purpose of journal prompts for anxiety will have been defeated.

You can then go on to doing it daily. Make it journaling a daily practice. It will help you. It has helped me a lot. I always have my journal in my bag and I bring it out to write when something is bothering me at a particular.

Journaling is soothing and it is a journey worth embarking on if you are suffering from anxiety and panic attacks.

Your mental health will thank you for it.

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Brain Dump for Generalized Anxiety

The first way to use journaling for anxiety is if you have a generalized anxiety disorder. It might not be diagnosed officially, but if you tend to have an overwhelming amount of worry and anxiety that pops up out of nowhere and you can’t identify a trigger, you might have generalized anxiety.

For this form of anxiety, doing a brain dump or stream of consciousness style of journaling is a great place to start. This is where you get out your journal or notebook and just write about whatever is on your mind. Let your thoughts flow to the paper, bouncing around to different topics as often as you want to.

For many people, their generalized anxiety is worsened by anxious thoughts, so when you write them down, it can provide a relaxing and freeing feeling.

Scripting for Anxiety About Your Future Plans

If your anxiety or panic has a specific trigger, especially when it comes to what you’re doing with your life and achieving your goals, then scripting is a great way to write in your journal. This is often used in the law of attraction and manifesting, but you don’t need to have that as a goal or be spiritual to benefit from scripting.

Scripting is a type of writing where you write down what you want to achieve, but as if you already have it. If you want to buy a house, you don’t write that you want to buy a house but write a journal entry as if you already bought your dream home. Where is it? What is it like? How big is it? How do you feel now that you have it?

Daily Journaling for All Forms of Anxiety

Regardless of what type of anxiety you have, daily journaling is wonderful. This can be a little broad, but we are talking more about the diary-style of journaling where you write about all your thoughts and feelings. Some days this might be a brain dump, other days you might write about a specific experience you had that day.

So here are journal prompts for anxiety to help you manage your anxiety

Does Journaling Help With Anxiety?

You may want to ask if journaling helps with anxiety.

Yes, it does.

Research has shown that there are lots of benefits to be gained from journaling especially from using journal prompts for anxiety.

Some of the incredible benefits you gain from journaling (journaling for anxiety) includes:

  1. Journaling can help you discover the triggers that causes your anxiety.
  2. Journaling can help you get a deeper understanding of what anxiety is.
  3. It can boost your moods
  4. Improves your focus and clarity levels
  5. Help you manage your emotions and feelings better
  6. Journaling is great for practicing mindfulness
  7. Helps with depresson
  8. Journaling will also boost your productivity
  9. Helps you worry less
  10. Improves the quality of your sleep
  11. Journaling will help reduce and manage stress better
  12. Journaling will help you to be more disciplined
  13. Improves your memory
  14. Journaling will help you learn from your previous experiences
  15. Journaling improves your communication skills
  16. It strengthens your immune system
  17. Journaling boosts your creativity
  18. Journaling enable you practice gratitude
  19. Journaling will help boost your self esteem and self confidence
  20. Journaling will help you solve problems more easily

As you can see, journaling has lots of benefits that will help you improve your life in every way imaginable.

Now, let’s talk about journal prompts for anxiety.

Journal Prompts For Anxiety

Journaling Prompts for Anxiety
Journal Prompts for Anxiety

Below are some journal prompts for anxiety

  1. Make a list of 5 Positive Affirmations to repeat when your anxiety spikes.
  2. In what way has your anxiety held you back recently? 
  3. Write a letter to your past self. I wrote a letter to my younger self and it has helped me. I am sure doing this will help you as well.
  4. Brainstorm a list of activities to do to soothe anxiety. These self care ideas for when you are having a bad day are a great way to start. Reach for the list when you’re anxious!
  5. What would it feel like to forgive yourself for past mistakes? 
  6. Write about a time that you made someone’s day better.
  7. Describe a time when you felt fulfilled. Where were you? What were you doing? What about that moment felt so satisfying?
  8. If I could make one promise to yourself, what would it be?
  9. Write a positive self letter to your body. 
  10. How does your anxiety sound, look and feel like to you? 
  11. Write down your first thought in the mornings and then make and keep a list of them. 
  12. What is the one thing you are tired of as regards your anxiety?
  13. What are you grateful for, today?
  14. What is one thing you wish you could change about yourself? 
  15. What are the qualities you love about yourself? 
  16. How do you think you can love yourself more?
  17. Write about your favorite body part
  18. Write about movies that improve your mood
  19. What songs do you listen to that usually lifts your spirits? Write about them and listen to them more
  20. Make a list of your favourite quotes
  21. Is there anything you are finding hard to let go? Write about it and decipher why it seems you can’t let it go
  22. What self care activities would you want to adopt? Write them and make a commitment to include them in your self care routine. This Self Care Planner will be a great idea for your self care routine.
  23. Make a list of at least 5 accomplishments you are proud of.
  24. Who inspires you?
  25. What quality does this person possess that you admire about him/her?
  26. Make a list of your favorite compliments you have received from others.
  27. Make a list of the values that are important for you.
  28. Write a list of 10 things that makes you smile.
  29. Describe a simple but ideal environment that will ease youranxiety and then make it a reality. Remember, minimalism is key and the prompt shouldn’t bring more anxiety.
  30. How do you cope with stress?

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Journaling Prompts For Anxiety

journaling prompts for anxiety
Journaling Prompts for Anxiety

Here are more journaling prompts for anxiety that will enable you to effectively manage your anxiety for optimum mental wellbeing

  1. What does a perfect day look like for you? 
  2. What is something you need to let go of?
  3. What are some self-care ideas that would calm you when you are feeling overwhelmed?
  4. Are there things that trigger your anxiety? Keep a list of those anxiety triggers. This Mood Tracker will help you track your moods. Tracking your moods is also helpful if you suffer from depression, anxiety, bipolar disorder or other mental health issues. Write down your top moods on the right and give each one a colour code. At the end of the month you will have a whole sheet of information regarding your moods.
  5. When was the last time you said no to something?
  6. When was the last time you wish you had said no to something? 
  7. List three things you are afraid of and why. 
  8. What is something you look forward to every day?
  9. What signs do you notice before an anxiety attack? 
  10. Think of a time when you failed at something. What did that experience teach you? 
  11. Keep a list of nice things people say about you. 
  12. Keep an ongoing list of worries that you want to let go of. 
  13. What activities make you calm? Write them down and do them more often
  14. Think of the last time you let negative thoughts spiral out of control. What were some of those thoughts? How can you avoid them?
  15. Write a letter to someone from your childhood. You don’t have to send it!
  16. Write about 5 positive things that happened in your life today and reflect on how they made you feel
  17. Write about the greatest lessons you have learned about anxiety
  18. How do you release negativity and negative energy around you?
  19. What would you do right about now to make yourself happy?
  20. Write about the last time you had a ”me time” and how the experience was like for you.
  21. Write about your happy memories
  22. What are the biggest obstacles in your life you were able to overcome?
  23. How did you overcome these obstacles and how can you use those ways to manage your anxiety?
  24. What lessons did you learn from your biggest failures in life?
  25. How has those failures shaped you?
  26. What is your biggest fear? How can you overcome it?
  27. Make a list of your bad habits and how they are impacting on your anxiety.
  28. Write a goal you’d like to achieve and an action plan on how to actualize it
  29. What do you think connotes and brings peace into your life?
  30. How are you feeling right now as you are writing in your journal?

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Final Thoughts on These Journaling Prompts

These simple but powerful Journal/journaling prompts for anxiety will do you good. They will help you identify your anxiety triggers and help you manage your moods better. Take your journal with you wherever you go. Find time to journal when you need to and you are well on your way to overcoming anxiety through journaling. Don’t forget to seek professional advice/help also to better manage your anxiety. Have you had any experience with journaling? How has journaling helped you? Have you used any of these journal prompts for anxiety? Let’s chat in the comment section below.

Kinging Queen

Jennifer Pompaski
Jennifer Pompaski

Hi, my name is Jennifer. I am an Engineer by day and a blogger 24/7. I am passionate about Self Improvement & Productivity and this blog is dedicated to that passion! I hope you find it worthwhile each time you visit! If you do find anything helpful on here, kindly share because sharing is caring!

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  1. Tessy
    August 19, 2021 / 7:16 pm

    This is so deep and beautiful written. I remembered years ago I had a journal where I put thoughts on paper. I may have to start writing again, but first I have to get a journal. Thank you, Jennifer.

    • August 19, 2021 / 7:24 pm

      Thanks Tessy! I agree with starting to write again. Digital journals are great and I have a link on the post for a very beautiful journal. You are most welcome and thank you too!

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