10 Things You Need To Quit Right Now

things to quit
Things To Quit

I hope you all are doing okay. Let’s just delve into the 10 things we all need to quit doing right now. I am guilty of some and I hope this post will serve as motivation to me and someone out there.

I am sure there are a lot of things you need to quit right now but I am helping with these ten to spur someone to do the needful.

Things To Quit Right Now

1. Quit Thinking You Are Not Good Enough

things to quit
Things To Quit

We fail at a relationship and then we berate ourselves that we are not good enough. We lose an opportunity to secure a job probably after an interview and then we tell ourselves, we are not good enough.

Oh no, darling! You are good enough, so quit thinking that you are not good enough. It is a recipe for disaster.

Believe me, in the first place, you are where you are right now because you are good enough. You got to where you are now because you put in your best. You are where you are right now because you worked hard. So you are good enough.

A failed relationship does not and should not connote not being good enough. Yes, you may have made some mistakes while in that relationship, likewise your mate. All you need do is recognize where you failed and then work on it.

If nothing else on this blog post sinks in, this one should. You are good enough.

2. Quit Sacrificing Your Happiness For Others

The “people pleaser” this one is for you. Can you just quit already? Trying to please everyone and then “mortgaging” your happiness in the process?

I tend to do this sometimes but I have come to learn how to say ‘what the heck”.  I am no longer sacrificing my happiness for others when it is very clear they aren’t sacrificing their own happiness for me.

You should stop it too because, in the end, everyone else will be happy while you stand on the sidelines wondering why you are so miserable in the midst of all the gaiety.

The truth is, you are a good person but the thing is, people, tend to take advantage of your “goodness” and then because being good comes naturally for you, you want to be good to everyone when it is obvious they don’t care two hoots about you being good to them.

Be good but quit sacrificing your happiness for others.

3. Quit Overthinking. Already!

In my previous post, I talked about how badly my previous relationship affected me negatively. I fell into depression. Big time. I was saved by a special person. That’s a story for another day you all. Maybe on chronicles of Jennifer lol.

Why was I impacted that negatively that I fell into depression? I was overthinking and over analyzing. I thought and it did feel like the end of the world. I mean wasting five or more years of your life alongside all the things that went down in a said relationship, isn’t an easy pill to swallow.

If something is not working out, there is really no need to overthinking it. Eventually, it may sort itself out and when it doesn’t, you move on to better things.

Stop overthinking that business venture you’d like to start. Start already.

Quit overthinking about your ex-boyfriend. Let him remain in the Ex zone unless of course he sees the errors of his ways and wants to make amends. For good.

Quit overthinking that good move you want to make to better your life. Do it already.

Just. Quit. Overthinking.

Here is a guide on How To Manage Your Emotions And Feelings that you might helpful in helping you stop overthinking.

4. Quit Being Afraid To Be Different

You are one of a kind. Unique and different from every other person on planet earth so would you want to imitate and mimic others?

My WhatsApp status says “dare to be different” and it has been for years now. It is a constant reminder that I should dare to be different. Not to conform to norms of society that are stifling and no good.

Dare to be different. The fact that everyone else is doing a particular thing means you should do it too. If you feel like towing a different path because you believe it is better for you, do it.

I have always told my parents then and now that everyone cannot be the same.

Your uniqueness is what makes you. It is what defines you. Quit being afraid to be different. You are you. There is no other person who is exactly like you and that is more reason why you should “own” your uniqueness.


How To See Yourself In A New Light

5. Quit Living In The Past

the sign you have been waiting for, quit

We all know this but we are still culprits. The past belongs only in one place. The past. That is where it belongs but we tend to rehash and relive it time and time again. Hurting ourselves in the process.

Let go of the hurt from that failed relationship and marriage.

Do away with those unhappy thoughts.

So he left you? No worries, a fresh start is right around the bend. Look ahead.

Stop living your past glories and work on creating new and future glories.

Quit living for that relationship that is already done with. It is in the past. Stop giving it space to clutter your mind, body, and soul. It is not worth it.

Stop thinking about that failed business. Failure is only. failure when you refuse to try again.

Quit living in the past. Concentrate on the here and now.

How To Clean The Slate And Start Afresh

10 things to quit right now

6. Quit Fearing Change

I am on the verge of making a huge change in my life! It is scary I tell you! Momentous and gives me the chills each time I remember the decision I have made. However, it is a change for the better. I don’t know what the future holds but I have made up my mind to do it.

To just do it. Do my best. It is something I have never ever done. It scares me! A whole lot but I still want to go ahead with the plans.

I figured that if I wanted what I am going for, then I should accept the change the whole plan is going to bring.

I think change is the most difficult for humans. We tend to “feel comfortable” where we are even when our subconscious is telling us differently.

Any slight change in our circumstances and we are “thrown” off balance. Change is constant and it is something we must constantly deal with.

We fear change so much, we cling to people and ideas that we should let go so as to embrace new ones.

We fear change so much, we do not want to venture out of our comfort zones.

News Flash. A comfort zone is a beautiful place but nothing ever grows there.

Quit fearing change. Embrace it when it does happen. It is not always bad.

7. Quit Settling. For Less

Yes, you heard me, right darling. Quit settling for less. The typical average girl is expected to marry in her twenties and have kids almost immediately. It is the norm to hear university undergrads talk about the men they want to “snag” before/on graduating.

It is ingrained. So much so, often times there is usually little or no love between spouses. It is either the dude is okay financially and I can “make do” with him or he is super rich and the money will bring happiness.

The result? A lot of women settling for less due to societal pressures and all whatnots.

Getting married in your twenties is good and great but don’t “settle” just because you want to be married. It is usually a precursor for disaster. It will only end in unhappiness.

If you think you are far off better for something, then don’t settle. Don’t settle for less simply because it makes life easier or makes you “belong”. It is a false sense of belonging. It won’t last.

Quit settling. For less. You deserve better so either go for it or wait for it.

8. Quit Allowing Fear Control You

things to quit
Things To Quit

Fear, so debilitating! It hinders us, kills our dreams and hopes. Yet we allow it to rule us. At times I wonder if we can really conquer fear but then I look at some persons’ lives and I am amazed at how they conduct themselves.

My personal story about fear is so humorous, I am sure you’ll laugh out loud after reading it. It is not funny, however!

Every day is the day to face your fears so you could conquer them. I have always believed in the “practice makes perfect” school of thought and conquering your fears takes practice.

I used to wake up at the slightest noise at night. Heart beating furiously! I don’t know if it was my environment that “shaped” this fear but it got to a point I had to have that talk with myself.

I am getting on in years and can’t afford to kill myself off from fear. Right!

Fear will you lose out on a lot of things in life. From the fun to the deeply serious things.

Quit being ruled by your fear. Live life to the fullest.

I need to borrow a leaflet from this! You should too!


How To Overcome Fear And Take Back Control Of Your Life

9. Quit Saying Yes When You Really Mean To Say No

Okay, I think we all have been culprits of this at one time or the other time. It becomes a problem when it becomes perpetual.

Finding it difficult to say no to any and everyone when at the back of your “mouth”, you are screaming NO!

I get. I really get.

Saying yes when you mean no, ultimately makes you unhappy at the end of the day. Meanwhile the person, you said yes to is happy and unaware of your “dilemma” so why do it?

Say YES when its a NO for you and say YES when it is YES for you.

Just quit saying yes when you really mean to say no.


How To Stand Up For Yourself When You Need To

How To Know If You Are Being Manipulated

10. Quit The People Who Are Not Making You Happy

10 things to quit right now

The back and forth with people who shouldn’t be part of your life in the first place are sapping you of your life essence. Your happiness.

I must confess that I am the sort of person that sticks around even when the going is bad. I like to see the end of a “matter” but it is not helping me. Not one bit.

If someone isn’t making us happy, we should quit them.

Well, after you have done your humanly possible best to make things better.

The truth is, if it is not making you happy, it isn’t worth your time!

I would like to conclude with this quote

“There is a difference between quitting and knowing that you have had enough”

Conclusion On 10 Things To Quit Right Now

These are just a few of the things to quit doing if you really want to live a purposeful and meaningful life.

We tend to invest time and energy in doing things that do not serve any purpose in our lives and then we start feeling frustrated and when there’s no avenue to pour out our frustrations, we end up becoming anti-social.

What are the things you believe you should quit doing right now? Let’s share in the comments section! Have a fabulous week everyone.

One way to quit doing things we shouldn’t do is by developing a growth mindset and investing in our personal development. Self improvement books are a great way to start and these 3 Self Improvement books will be great help on your journey to overcoming self limiting beliefs and developing a growth mindset.

Don’t forget to share the knowledge on your social media. Remember, sharing is caring!

10 Things You Need To Quit Right Now If You Want A Great Life! Share on X
things to quit

Kinging Queen

Jennifer Pompaski
Jennifer Pompaski

Hi, my name is Jennifer. I am an Engineer by day and a blogger 24/7. I am passionate about Self Improvement & Productivity and this blog is dedicated to that passion! I hope you find it worthwhile each time you visit! If you do find anything helpful on here, kindly share because sharing is caring!

Find me on: Web | Twitter/X | Instagram | Facebook


  1. January 9, 2024 / 7:41 am

    I am glad to read this! Wishing you the very best! You are most welcome and thanks for reading!

  2. July 15, 2019 / 2:13 pm

    Love this Jennifer! I am such an over-thinker. I have wasted so much of my life overthinking the simplest things! It’s the biggest time waster and can hold you back in so many aspects of life. It’s something I’m working on a lot this year.:)

    • July 15, 2019 / 5:31 pm

      Nicole, I am also guilty! We often waste time over trivial matters! But then, that is why we need to invest in our personal growth! We will get it right. It is a journey!

  3. June 25, 2019 / 4:48 am

    One more motivating post.Thanks, JP!

  4. June 25, 2019 / 2:41 am

    Great advice. Thanks for sharing such an inspiring and uplifting post. Change is always hard to bring by but with patience and perseverance, it is certainly doable. Love the positive thoughts.

    • June 25, 2019 / 7:02 am

      Thank you, Aditi. Nice to have you on my blog and thanks for the comments!

  5. January 16, 2019 / 9:30 am

    I am in the middle of quitting all of these right now. My mom passed 2 years ago and since then I have been working on finding my true North. In order to align my life to what makes me thrive, I realized that I needed to quit all of these, which includes changing my career (which is a massive drain on my energy and self-esteem). I am swearing to God, my husband and the people I serve in all capacities that this will be my last few months doing what withers me. I am finally stepping up and learning what is necessary to turn my passion into my full time income earner! It took me THIS long to get my head around the financial part of it, but yesterday, I realized that I have arrived. I am putting systems in place where people can give me money for what we do. Thanks for reminding what an important time I am living in.

    • January 16, 2019 / 9:35 am

      Vox, this touched me deeply! Thanks for sharing your experience with us! I myself just quit my job. It has been draining and toxic both to my body and soul and decided i have had enough. At times, it is not giving up but deciding that you have HAD ENOUGH. I believe that’s where the self realization comes in and true healing and thus empowerment comes! I wish you the very best in 2019 darling. I see you kinging on all sides!

  6. December 5, 2018 / 8:29 am

    Sometimes its hard to quit . I still love the writeup. Keep it up.

    • December 5, 2018 / 8:31 am

      Thanks Patrick! How are you? It’s been a while! I promise to holla you today! Enjoy the rest of the week and thanks for your support!

      • December 5, 2018 / 8:32 am

        OK. You left me alone. You don’t reply message.

        Been a while we talked. Love to hear that from you

        • December 5, 2018 / 8:33 am

          Oh no! I’ve been very busy at work. You will definitely hear from me.

  7. Anonymous
    November 25, 2018 / 10:41 pm

    This was a great post. It definetly resonated with me!

  8. Elizabeth O
    November 18, 2018 / 6:29 am

    I absolutely need this today. These are some great advice to stop doing a thing as soon as possible. Sometimes it can be hard but the day will come when we will see ourselves that we are not doing it or doing anything else.

  9. Catherine Shane
    November 18, 2018 / 4:02 am

    These are perfect list of things that we need to remember in our struggling times. We must let go all of the bad happenings in our lives and focus on the positive side.

  10. Christa
    November 15, 2018 / 2:43 pm

    This is such a great reminder for me. I need to say no to so many of these things. I often help others at too high a cost to myself , and I often say yes when I want to say no.

    • November 16, 2018 / 9:17 am

      I totally relate Christa! We can only get better by practicing!

  11. Bindu Thomas
    November 15, 2018 / 1:24 pm

    These are some worst things every one should stop. I mostly can’t say the word ‘no’ where I want to. I need to quite doing it.

  12. Megan
    November 15, 2018 / 12:42 pm

    This is exactly what I needed today, thank you so much. SO true.

  13. November 15, 2018 / 2:59 am

    These are definitely 10 things that we need to be quitting now. Sometimes it’s so hard though- LOL.

  14. Geraline Batarra
    November 14, 2018 / 10:41 am

    Nice post and I really enjoyed reading this article. Learning to quit from a person that no longer make me happy is the first thing that sink in my mind and the second is saying NO.

  15. Surekha Busa
    November 14, 2018 / 3:25 am

    I am so guilty with some of these things like quit saying yes when you mean to say no. I am glad that I’ve learned to say NO for the things that I really don’t want to do.

    • November 14, 2018 / 8:52 am

      Indeed we are all learning. I am also guilty of most but i learn every day. I believe its part of the “growing” process

  16. Preet
    November 14, 2018 / 2:29 am

    This is something I need to remember every single day. I love the topic. It shows how we are being formed in our daily living.

  17. Clare Minall
    November 14, 2018 / 2:28 am

    Definitely needed this today!!! Thank you for posting and allowing us to start our day right

  18. Ellie Plummer
    November 13, 2018 / 10:20 pm

    Okay this post spoke to me on a personal level. I need to stop every single thing that you listed here, especially the first one as it has ruined so many opportunities for me.

  19. Katy
    November 13, 2018 / 6:07 pm

    Lol quitting overthinking is always on my list

  20. November 13, 2018 / 3:41 pm

    I am sometimes slowed down by my fear of other peoples critique. I then kick myself in the arse to get going again. I do this by reminding myself that they don’t pay my bills or provide for my children

    • November 13, 2018 / 3:48 pm

      Oh yes Scott, they don’t pay the bills and their opinions won’t pay the bills either! My mom would say “everyone is entitled to their opinion about you but most often times, their opinions are wrong because they are not informed opinions. So why listen?

  21. November 13, 2018 / 1:35 pm

    I suspect I have been guilty of a number of these over the years, but with age comes a certain wisdom and letting go of things that do not bring joy to my life.

  22. Marcie
    November 13, 2018 / 3:16 am

    I’m getting better at saying no and it’s been a game-changer! And I don’t come up with excuses, either. So freeing!

  23. Gladys Parker
    November 12, 2018 / 9:35 pm

    This is all very good advise which everyone should attempt to follow. It won’t be easy–but one at a time should be doable.

  24. Joanna
    November 12, 2018 / 7:01 pm

    I have quit quite a lot of things from your list. What I still need to work on is the fear of change. I don’t like change and I find it difficult to adapt to a new situation.

    • November 12, 2018 / 7:06 pm

      I think everyone is afraid of change to one degree or the other. I am equally working on some things i need to also quit. It’s a learning and growing process.

  25. Monidipa Dutta
    November 12, 2018 / 6:52 pm

    People think that “thinking positively” is the way to healing, but the quickest way is to first accept that the only reason you feel bad in the first place is that you’re listening to the rubbish your mind is telling you.

    • November 12, 2018 / 6:56 pm

      Wow! I love this perspective! Thanks for this Monidipa!

  26. Hazel
    November 12, 2018 / 2:37 pm

    You hit me so hard with this post, Jennifer 😢 i am guilty with every single one. I’m kind of in the middle of that “phase”, and I can’t get out, not easily. Thank you for reminding me to quit these things. Right now, I need to find that courage.

    • November 12, 2018 / 2:46 pm

      Courage is here and now Hazel. I’m sure you will be fine. I’m guilty of some too and I’m finding my way to quitting them gradually.

  27. November 12, 2018 / 11:54 am

    I agree so much with your words.
    Quit Saying Yes When You Really Mean To Say No was the hardest change i had to do in my like but, it was really important.
    Great words, really loved your post

    November 7, 2018 / 2:29 am

    There are things which we should actually shun in life for a purposeful living. Life is simple when we have will to make it so. Your write-up is really helpful. REGARDS

    • November 7, 2018 / 9:04 am

      Thank you Harbans. Your comments on my blog are so much appreciated! Enjoy the rest of the week!

  29. November 6, 2018 / 8:07 pm

    I agree we should quit the fear of change. Else we won’t grow.

    • November 6, 2018 / 8:29 pm

      My thoughts too Victor. I know it ain’t easy but we can. Thanks for following back and for commenting!

Join the conversation. Your thoughts will be appreciated!
