Clean Slate. Fresh Start

5 great stories to inspire a fresh start in your life
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Clean slate, start fresh

The Epiphany: Clean Slate, Start Fresh

Have you ever woken up and realized that if you don’t “wake up”, your life will pass by and you will never make an impact? Not with family, not with friends and no one will know who you are, what you are about? It comes like a lightening.

Seemingly no prior warning and hits you wham bam, right there, deep in your heart. An electric jolt and then you get frantic, you start taking stock.

The things you didn’t do, the things you haven’t done, the places you haven’t been to, the business you kept promising to start but never got round to, the talent you never used, the professional course you had always wanted to go for so you could climb one more step in the corporate ladder but you became complacent and comfortable on the level you are and never got to do it, the dreams you gave up because you became a wife and a mother, the health goals you never pursued and now you are battling an illness

. It could be as trivial as not dressing a certain way that you have always wanted, not even trying to wear heels, not learning how to swim or even play chess but after taking stock you just know that you’ve got to do something with your life so it could be more meaningful, fulfilling and impactful.

Big Four O: Clean Slate Start Fresh

The big four o is looming and you know what they say, a fool at 40 is a fool forever. You were concentrating so much on getting married and having kids because you have let society dictate who and what you should become as a woman.

Get married, have kids, and “kowtow” to your man while he lives his life to the fullest, and of course, you shrivel and “die” every day on the inside from unfulfilled dreams. You forgot the maker gave you an awesome gift to bless your generation with.

You forgot that even though marriage is good, there are other things that are equally important.  And then you wake up in the middle of the night, you have an epiphany and just know you have to get your shit together and start “living”.

That is time to clean the slate and start afresh.

Read: Life Is A Beautiful Chaos

The Three Zero

The big three o is knocking at the door and you are desperate to marry because your biological clock is ticking or so everyone likes to put it to you subtly or right at your face and then the man you love so many ups and scrams and you are left all alone with unanswered questions and then you wallow in self-pity and let yourself go.

Then one morning you look in the mirror and get a reality check. Your skin is sallow, you are “folding in places” that have no business folding, your eyes are hollow and dark from lack of sleep.

You take a hard look at yourself and you know it is time to clean the slate and start afresh.

A new lease of life is poured upon you from the heavens.

Super-Duper Girl

Your career is booming. You are the star girl at work. The employee with the Midas touch. Everyone loves you. You are on top of your game. You wake up every morning with a fab smile and a lilt to your step. You are winning.

Then smack! Redundancy! You were let go even though you thought nothing could touch you. Of course, you were the summa cum laude employee with all the right “twerks” to make it to the window office! You go home, depressed, angry at the world, and the unfairness of it all. Six months down the line and no job in sight.

Depression is deepening. You isolate yourself and in those dark hours and rare moments where you remember to eat, you are ”struck” with a light so bright, a memory of the sewing classes you had in high school summer classes, flashes and you think to yourself “I was so good making clothes then”.

You know it is time to clean slate and start afresh.

Read: The Lonely Road

I Am a Man!

Your wife ran away with her lover leaving you with two teenage kids. You go off the rail, you cuss from Jamaica all the way to the Netherlands. She has crushed your ego.

She made you and your family and friends question your manhood. You are getting an award for the ‘most pitiable” guy on your street. You fall into an abyss. You start drinking and sleeping with every h*e at every stop.

You go to strip clubs, throw money at the naked babes, and indulge in all manner of things all in a bid to prove your manhood. I am a man you scream in your heart! You forgot about Victor and Victoria. Your kids. Their mother is gone and their father is nowhere to be found.

A year down the lane in the dungeon. You binge on alcohol so much you wake up on the streets every night without a recollection of what transpired the previous day.

You draw a blank every day. You are numbed and then sirens blast through one of your “blanks” one day, stop at your house, the paramedics come inside and rush right past you to your kids’ room and they run right past you again with an almost lifeless body of Victor while Victoria looks on, tears streaming down her innocent face saying softly, “daddy do something”. Her voice was low but you heard it as if she screamed those words and you wake up from your “slumber”. It is time to move on.

Clean the slate and start afresh.

It may not always be trying to fix something broken. It may be about starting over and creating and doing something better. Clean slate and start over.

The world is waiting for you to happen! It is never too late to pick up the pieces and start afresh

Every new beginning comes from some other beginning's end Share on X

Clean slate, start fresh

Kinging Queen

Jennifer Pompaski
Jennifer Pompaski

Hi, my name is Jennifer. I am an Engineer by day and a blogger 24/7. I am passionate about Self Improvement & Productivity and this blog is dedicated to that passion! I hope you find it worthwhile each time you visit! If you do find anything helpful on here, kindly share because sharing is caring!

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  1. Alex Klarr
    October 5, 2018 / 11:58 am

    My brother suggested I might like this blog. He was once entirely right. This post actually made my day. You cann’t believe just how so much time I had spent for this info! Thanks!

  2. Catherine Mischke
    January 5, 2018 / 3:36 pm

    What a wonderful article, love your writing!

  3. Patrick
    September 14, 2017 / 10:36 am

    Beautiful! This is revival for the mind. Keep keeping it real Pompaski.

  4. September 12, 2017 / 8:20 pm

    True talk…
    Your narratives are so smooth, Speaking to me too

  5. paula Brown
    September 12, 2017 / 4:23 pm

    Wow! This is so deep. Good one pomperski.

  6. Chicity
    September 12, 2017 / 3:56 pm

    Clean Slate, Fresh Start… Hmmmm! This piece is for everyone as one either starts on a clean slate of a fresh start. Whichever way, the most important thing is that Jenny has reminded her readers on the need to shake off the dust; it is not a question of how long, how well and what will become the end but a question of panting for freshness and going for it. Kudoz Sis,more powers to your elbow. Hope to read more of your articles.

  7. Derek
    September 12, 2017 / 3:34 pm

    Excellent article. I think a lot of people feel they are underachieving in their lives and would feel much better if they set about achieving their goals.
    Even if its just to lose 10lbs..

  8. September 12, 2017 / 7:35 am

    Abby, your comments are encouraging and humbling. It is comments like these that makes one confident and wanting to do more, be more. Thank you.

  9. September 12, 2017 / 12:12 am

    This was so intense and emotional … your writing is incredible – so glad I stumbled across your blog.

  10. Jon Page
    September 10, 2017 / 8:42 pm

    The “four O” thing made me realized things that I’ve never known before. 😀 😀 😀 Thanks for this awesome reflection you got here, Jen! Keep it up.
    For more awesome reflections soon, cheers!

  11. Jon Page
    September 10, 2017 / 8:28 pm

    My recent post is seemingly connected to your topic, might as well gimme some love.

    Cheers for more awesome posts… soon!😊😊😊

  12. Jon Page
    September 10, 2017 / 8:24 pm

    My recent post is seemingly connected to your topic, might as well gimme some love.

    Cheers for more awesome posts… soon!

  13. Jon Page
    September 10, 2017 / 8:23 pm

    The “four O” thing made me realized things I’ve never known before. 🤣🤣🤣 thanks for these reflections, Jen. Keep it up. Cheers for more awesome posts… soon!

  14. Jon Page
    September 10, 2017 / 4:34 pm

    You gave me a lesson at four O. Haha… I was really what is that… lol. Thanks for such great reflection

    Enjoy my friend. I’ll be back to the new post soon.

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