Why Body Image Isn’t Everything

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Why Body Image Isn’t Everything

Why body image isn’t everything? 

There has been a surge of celebrities recently telling us that we should embrace our cellulite, not worry about our extra pounds, and stress less about our bodies.

The only problem with this is that these celebrities are beautiful, slim, and have the most stunning complexions known to humankind. This can make their words seem hollow if they’ve never had to worry about body image in their lives.

For the everyday woman, body image issues are real. But should they be?
Why can’t we embrace our wrinkles and flabby arms? Read on to find out why body image isn’t everything.

Picture of a Woman Smiling

Our Face

Faces are the first things that you are confronted with when meeting people for the first time. It can be difficult if we have unusual facial features that don’t fit into the beauty stereotype.

Those people with larger noses or a wart or two on their forehead are well within their rights to go to a cosmetic surgeon to get them fixed. What gives a beautiful celebrity the right to tell them otherwise?

This goes beyond body image and is linked to self-esteem and confidence. If you have crooked or buck teeth that didn’t get sorted when you were younger, braces can be an option for you even in adulthood.

How Invisalign works is that clear aligners are custom-fitted to
your teeth to straighten them out over a year or so.

Forget train tracks, these are invisible.

There is nothing wrong with corrective procedures, but there’s also nothing wrong with feeling comfortable with your look.

We Are More Than Our Bodies

Being beautiful certainly gets you far in life.

Those women with brains and traditional beauty probably will get higher up in their careers or be able to take on a creative profession more easily.

However, everyone has their body demons, it is how you deal with them that counts. Some of us know that we are more than just our bodies.

We don’t define ourselves by the way we look or how much we weigh. We can be short, fat, skinny, or tall, but we can also be amazing at playing the piano, a black belt in karate, and fluent in three languages.

Our personality, sense of humor, and skill set to count for so much more than our looks in the wider scheme of things.

Picture of a smiling woman

Embracing Our Bodies

There’s nothing wrong with wanting to be slimmer or wanting to tone up. This is well within our control and we can hit the gym and change up our diet whenever we want.

The will power needed can be immense.

However, by being proactive, you are in control of certain aspects of your looks. If you want to change, you can. Some people choose to embrace their bodies.

While not the typical idea of beautiful, plus size models exude confidence and attractiveness through their work. They are happy and content with their body image and it shows when they hit the catwalk.

Just because you aren’t a size two doesn’t mean you aren’t beautiful!

Work on yourself, and your confidence and your body image will become less important to you!

Now you know why body image isn’t everything. If you are looking for how to boost your self-confidence, there are lots of Self Confidence posts on here that will help you on the journey of self-growth. Just hit on the links below to read.

Related: Is The Idea Of Self Love A Delusional Concept?

Related: 15 Secret Self-Confidence Boosters You Need To Know

Related: 7 Strategies To Build Your Low Self-Esteem

why body image isn't everything
Why Body Image Isn’t Everything

Here are more body positivity quotes to further inspire you as to why body image isn’t everything.

37 Powerful Quotes On Body Positivity To Help You Love Your Body

16 Powerful Body Shaming Quotes About Self Image That Will Make You Love Yourself

We’ve already established that celebrities lack some credibility within the self love discourse. But that isn’t just due to their beauty—it’s also because of their income. For people with the funds, changing their appearance is as simple as scheduling an appointment. This is why so many of us still assume that orthodontia and other dental care is out of our price range. 

Thankfully, at-home clear aligner providers have made teeth straightening treatment significantly more affordable. If cost has prevented you from pursuing the smile of your dreams, just know that the industry is more financially accessible than ever. 

Conclusion: Why Body Image Isn’t Everything

Dear Queens, I am sure you are convinced as to why body image isn’t everything and shouldn’t the focus of your entire life. Like Michelle Obama said, “Being a healthy woman isn’t about getting on a scale or measuring your waistline. We need to start focusing on what matters, on how we feel and how we feel about ourselves” I absolutely agree with her and I see why body image isn’t everything and shouldn’t steal your joy.

Kinging Queen

Jennifer Pompaski
Jennifer Pompaski

Hi, my name is Jennifer. I am an Engineer by day and a blogger 24/7. I am passionate about Self Improvement & Productivity and this blog is dedicated to that passion! I hope you find it worthwhile each time you visit! If you do find anything helpful on here, kindly share because sharing is caring!

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