10 Good Habits That Will Completely Transform Your Life!

10 Good Habits That Will Switch Up Your Life For Good

Good habits make generally for changing aspects of our lives that are not all that ”savory”. You know what I mean.

Recently, I made up my mind to ”switch up my life with these 10 good habits” 

When I say 10 good habits that will switch up your life, I mean habits that will make for a better you.

It could be physically, mentally, socially or financially. I am all for developing and bettering myself on a daily basis and nothing beats that. It is something that we all should practice.

A better you equals a better community and a better community equals a better society.

Now you get the whole picture. A better world! 

I would rather carry my candy bars wraps, and others in my handbag till I get to where I can find a bin. Imagine if we were all to dump waste on the road indiscriminately! 

That would spell doom. An unhealthy and filthy environment would result in a breakout of diseases and of course impact other animals and plants live, negatively.

But I digress! I am not talking about Biology today! 

10 Good Habits That Will Switch Up Your Life

Our lives are the sum total of our habits. Both good and bad. Your tendency for PROCRASTINATION is a result of the bad habits you have cultivated over the years. 

Similarly, your ability to be able to SET GOALS and achieve them is also a result of the good habits you have developed and mastered.

So, we have both good habits and bad habits. The good news is that we can gradually replace bad habits with good ones by practice and being conscious of what we do on a daily basis.

good habits

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1. Wake Up Early

It is an established fact that a lot of ultra-successful people in the world today like Bill Gates, Oprah Winfrey, Warren Buffet to mention but a few, are all early risers. 

Waking up early is not only a mood booster, but it also increases and improves your productivity throughout the day. 

It also dramatically increases your balance and also help you achieve your goals for the day. 

The easiest way to developing this good habit would be going to bed early. 

Early to bed. Early to rise.

2. Exercise

photo of a woman exercising as a good habit for switching up your life

I recently started walking to shed some weight and of course maintain a healthy lifestyle. My goal is to take 10,000 steps a day. I am currently averaging 6000 steps.

Walking as an exercise is great for losing some pounds and also strengthening your legs.

Exercise has been known to not only help your weight loss goals but also increase your energy levels.

Other benefits of exercise according to Healthline includes improving your mood and decreasing depression, anxiety, and stress, good for your muscles and bones, reduce risk of chronic disease, improve skin health, help your brain health and memory, help with relaxation and sleep quality, reduce pain and promote a better sex life.

Now if these benefits aren’t worth exercising for, I don’t know what is! 

3. Eat Healthily 

A healthy meal good habits for switching up your life

Eating healthily is another good habit that will switch up your life. Eating healthy meals can be difficult yet simple.

Well, I say so because it all boils down to discipline. Just like developing good habits. It requires discipline. 

There is no gainsaying the fact that eating healthy meals equals a better and prolonged life. Eating healthy meals provide your body with the essential nutrients your body needs to function optimally. 

The top ten benefits of eating healthily include but not limited to the following: great heart health and stroke prevention, weight management, reduced risk of cancer, diabetes management, improved mood, strong teeth, and bones, etc.

4. Set Goals

photo of a planner showing set goals good habits for switching up your life

As a general rule, when you fail to set goals, you are setting up yourself to fail.  It is like not having a purpose to fulfill. You just leave your life to chance and luck.

Yes, you can get some things in life by chance and luck but when you don’t plan and set goals when opportunities show up, it becomes difficult to grab and utilize them.

You achieve a lot and improve your PRODUCTIVITY when you perfect the act of setting goals. The end game is not only to set goals but also achieve them. 

To achieve goals, you need to commit, commit and commit.

Check out this blog post on 5 Ways To Set Goals and Achieve them.

There is a great sense of achievement that comes from setting goals and achieving them. You feel energized, elated and feel like Wonderwoman and Superman. You want to do more because you are greatly motivated.

No doubt, setting goals is one good habit to switch up your life. 

5. Prioritizing Your Tasks

At the end of a working day, I usually list out a number of tasks to carry out the next day using sticky notes. The tasks are usually prioritized. That way, I know and do the ones that are more important first.

I cannot overemphasize the importance of adopting this good habit. It made me a top employee and well respected because I tend to deliver on tasks, ninety-nine percent of the time. What more? Prioritizing tasks has improved my productivity to a large extent.

Do away with tasks that do not contribute to your overall goals nor your productivity.

At the end of the day, watching TV and binge on your favorite soap will in no way, complete a particular task you have at hand but you can, however, complete your task and then watch TV.

Prioritize. Every. Single. Day.

You may want to check out these great 10 Great Productivity Apps that will change your productivity game, improve your time management and help you prioritize your work.

The benefits you will gain from adopting this good habit are improved time management, enhanced productivity and of course achieving your set goals.

6. Stop Multitasking

We used to pride ourselves as being masters of multitasking. There was a time it was even up on Curriculum Vitae as a skill set.

Sigh. Jennifer! 

Spoiler alert! It has been scientifically proven that the human brain is not capable of multitasking, time and time again. Multitasking impairs your thinking, divides your attention, impairs your learning abilities and also decreases our focus to a large extent.

When you multitask, your attention is divided and you are all over the place. The ability to complete one of the tasks either becomes difficult or takes time. See? Your productivity is actually decreased contrary to popular belief.

Neuro-scientists have proven that our tendency to divide attention rather than FOCUS, hampers our ability to even focus on simple tasks.

Research has proven that “multi-taskers” are likely to be less productive. 

The solution to multitasking is simply carrying out one task at a time. When you single task, you are more focused and tendency to complete your task on time is improved.

7. Good Habits: Motivation

Another of the 10 good habits that will switch up your life is MOTIVATION.

There are intrinsic and extrinsic factors for motivation but the most important one is intrinsic motivation. 

There is a saying in my place that when the Agama Lizard falls from the top and no one says well done, he nods to himself. 

Meaning? It follows that when you are doing a thing and NO ONES SAYS, WELL DONE, you are permitted to tell yourself, ”I have done well”.

As a matter of fact, the biggest motivator in life is YOURSELF. No one can motivate you more than yourself is YOU. The magic is in you. Self-motivation is a fire that will help you pursue and conquer, life’s pursuits every single time. 

Develop the habit of motivating yourself, no matter what. Practice self-motivation regularly.

Motivating yourself will boost your self-confidence so much so, you will have the mindset of achieving anything you set your mind to!

Looking for ways you can boost your self-confidence? I suggest you check out this blog post on 7 Strategies For Building Your Low Self Esteem

8. Use Affirmations

Photo showing affirmation as good habits for switching up your life

Affirmations are power mantras that will motivate you on a daily basis. Words like ”I CAN DO THIS, EVERY DAY I GROW CLOSER TO MY HIGHEST SELF, I AM ENOUGH, ALL I NEED IS WITHIN ME” carry so much punch that when you say them on waking up every morning, you get the boost you require to face the day and tackle your tasks.

Using affirmations will give you an edge because if you are the type that is prone to negative self-talk, positive affirmations will help you counter the effect because they will give you the courage to do whatever you need to do or achieve. 

It is ideal to practice using affirmations in front of your mirror. Wake up every morning, carry out your morning routines, go to your mirror and tell yourself, I am a badass and I am going to succeed today.

Here is a list of  Positive Affirmations that will change your thinking and life. There is also a lot of resource on the internet on affirmations. Feel free to browse for them. You can also print and place in front of your refrigerators. 

Positive affirmations are great reminders that we are created to succeed.

You are a boss gorgeous. Think and act like one! 

9. Practice Gratitude

picture showing I am Grateful as good habits for switching up your life

It is often very easy to compare our lives to our peers and most of the time, come up with the idea that we are achieving less than they are.

The mentality that the grass is greener on the other side is something we all need to avoid and do away with

Don’t get me wrong. Healthy competition is good. The operative word here is ”healthy”.

I remember seeing the brother of a very close friend riding a tricycle as a means of livelihood. I was humbled that day! All I could say that day was God, forgive me because I have been acting ungrateful.

Practicing gratitude is a good habit. Being thankful for what we have and where we are in life is not only a good habit that will switch up your life but it will also herald in better things. 

Gratitude will make you enjoy the simple things in life, find meaning in what you do and live a simple life.

Read Also:

How To Practice Gratitude As A Form Of Self Care

10. Learn Something New Every Day

picture of a woman reading as a good habit

You all know the saying, the day you stop learning is the day you start dying! When I started blogging, I didn’t know what Search Engine Optimization was, the concept of Affiliate marketing was alien to me, I was lost when it came down to the jargons related to blogging.

But now, I am a little better because of the things I have learned about blogging

If you are a blogger, I am sure you can totally relate. The gist is that learning is a must. It is a good habit that will switch off your life.

Nothing beats an intelligent conversation with someone who is knowledgeable about anything and everything. To me, it is an ”aphrodisiac” when I am having a conversation with the opposite sex.

Learn something new every day no matter how ”tight” your schedule is. We all have the same 24 hours a day no matter the time zone you are operating from.

Learn a new word, a DIY or whatever. You could start by reading self-improvement books where you get to learn ways you can better yourself. 

These 3 Self Improvement Books are a sure bet. Purchase links are there. Buy and thank me later.

Please kindly pin for later. Thank you! 

good habits


Conclusion On Good Habits That Will Transform Your Life.

Whilst good habits are not easy to form or develop, they surely improve the quality of our lives and are thus worth practicing. Our lives are the sum total of our habits. When you continually carry out bad habits, the quality of your life is decreased to a great extent.

As a matter of fact, our ability to succeed in life depends greatly on our habits. Practicing good habits will definitely ensure success and a great life.

The 10 good habits that will transform and switch up your life above are a sure fire way to start practicing today.

I would love to know and hear about the good habits that you are currently practicing and how they have impacted your lives! 

Head on to comment section below. Hey! Don’t forget to get some of the items listed on the post. Just click on a link and voila, you are on your way to owning an amazing item! 

An essential key to having a growth mindset is developing good habits that will have you living the best version of your life on a daily basis. Good habits will literally transform your life. By “your life”, I mean every facet of your life. It will ensure a work life balance that will make your life amazing and easier. So, what are you waiting for? Ditch those bad habits, adopt these good habits and see your life change for the good.

Kinging Queen













Jennifer Pompaski
Jennifer Pompaski

Hi, my name is Jennifer. I am an Engineer by day and a blogger 24/7. I am passionate about Self Improvement & Productivity and this blog is dedicated to that passion! I hope you find it worthwhile each time you visit! If you do find anything helpful on here, kindly share because sharing is caring!

Find me on: Web | Twitter/X | Instagram | Facebook


  1. June 30, 2022 / 1:23 pm

    Perfectly said. As black women it is ever important that we take time out and implement daily self care routines. All of these hit the mark. Great read

    • June 30, 2022 / 2:01 pm

      Yes, Marvette, I absolutely agree. We need to take self care seriously. Thanks for reading and engaging!

  2. September 22, 2020 / 8:11 pm

    Rightly said, love all these points mentioned. Thanks for sharing such a wonderful post !

  3. May 13, 2019 / 4:46 pm

    I’m a huge believer of positive thinking, the use of affirmations, & eating healthy! Feeding both the body & mind with good things really makes a big difference!

    -Madi xo | http://www.everydaywithmadirae.com

  4. May 12, 2019 / 3:00 pm

    Great post! I find the positive affirmations combined with a healthy/balanced routine make a huge difference. I’d add: get enough sleep!

    • May 12, 2019 / 3:20 pm

      Yes to adding, getting enough sleep on the list! Thanks Kimberly! Do have a wonderful week!

  5. May 12, 2019 / 12:37 pm

    Thank you for sharing these 10 lessons and helping to point me in the right direction to taking control of my health and well-being!

  6. Malinda
    May 12, 2019 / 9:04 am

    I have always been an avid multitasker, so habit 6 really resonated with me!

    • May 12, 2019 / 10:45 am

      LOL. I think we all are to a certain degree. We want to get a zillion things done in a minute and then ending up doing zilch! Single tasking is worth giving a try! Thanks for joining the conversation, Malinda!

  7. May 10, 2019 / 10:34 am

    I practice some of these good habits daily, and am glad to learn new ones from this post. Thanks for sharing.

  8. May 10, 2019 / 9:55 am

    Love this & practice everything but the exercise… gotta get on that! Thanks for this great list & advice Jen.

    • May 10, 2019 / 10:21 am

      Thanks Simone! You are most welcome and thanks for contributing!

    • May 10, 2019 / 10:56 am

      Atta Girl! Gosh, I see the exercise part is a huge deal LOL! You are welcome Simone!

  9. May 9, 2019 / 8:51 pm

    I love the idea of learning something new every day, what a great way to keep growing! Great list!

  10. May 9, 2019 / 6:26 pm

    These are all of the best habits a person can have. I could probably use a few more daily affirmations, however.

    • May 10, 2019 / 8:56 am

      Thanks, Jenny! There are lots of resources on affirmations out there. You can’t get printables and place where you can easily see and read them before heading out of the house! All the best and thanks for contributing!

  11. May 9, 2019 / 4:01 pm

    Thanks for this write up and loved reading about these best practices and definitely these are life changing habits

  12. May 9, 2019 / 12:09 pm

    I am the perfect example of why people should stop multitasking haha. My brain constantly has a million tabs open!

    • May 10, 2019 / 8:59 am

      LOL. I totally relate! I still do it a few times! Then I ”catch” myself and complete one task before going to the next! It takes time to master. Discipline is key lol! Thanks for contributing, Ai!

  13. May 9, 2019 / 12:07 pm

    I love waking up early! I think I get more done in the morning and I love the quiet in the house. It’s the best part of my day for sure.

    • May 10, 2019 / 9:00 am

      I had to learn to be a morning person! I function best at night!

  14. May 6, 2019 / 3:55 pm

    Lordt knows my life needs a bit of switching up right now lol. I know what to do, it’s just the discipline to do it, but when I do practice these habits there is definitely a positive difference. Yoga is a great calming exercise method btw, try it if you haven’t; definitely boosts your mood. Great tips!

    • May 6, 2019 / 8:24 pm

      I have been fascinated by Yoga for years now! I will try and give it a shot. Thanks for the suggestion and thanks for joining the conversation!

Join the conversation. Your thoughts will be appreciated!