How To Date Yourself: 15 Fun Self-Date Ideas To Boost Self-Love

self date ideas

Self-date ideas that will take away boredom during those solo times, have fun with, boost self-love and even build your self-esteem and self-confidence.

Being alone does not have to mean that life is bad and have you wallow in self-pity or engage in negative self-talk.

You can have fun all by yourself. Date yourself, Queen.

I know you will love these self-date ideas by the time you finish reading this.

Self Date Ideas

There are lots of self-date ideas you can embark on but I’d like to share 10 of my favorite fun self-date ideas. If you are a couple already, you can check out these Picnic Ideas For Couples To Bond Over!

Now, let’s get right into the grind of things.

1. Go To The Cinema

This one is my favorite self-dating activity! It is absolutely fun and you’ll love it. There is a feeling of power doing things as a single woman. I don’t get to ask for permission, not encumbered by any ties. It is exhilarating and liberating all at once.

When you find yourself alone and bored, go to the cinema. Choose a random movie, get some popcorn and h e l l, get some ice cream, and watch a movie.

You will thank me later!

2. Go For A Walk

Yes, you read that right, darling. Go for a walk. We so underestimate the power of nature, taking it for granted but I tell you, nature is healing so is a walk in it.

I don’t know why you are alone at this moment but I know that a walk will chase away the blues, You get to see nature and might even meet a guy that you like and strike out a random conversation with someone who may become a friend!

Now, if this isn’t ”catchy” enough to tempt you into taking a walk then Harvard studies on the benefits of walking will make you change your mind. Not only does walking help prevent cancer, it reduces weight-gaining genes, and improves joint functions.

Tell me why walking won’t be one of the best self-date ideas!

3. Go Check Out That New Diner On Your Street

The new diner on your street that you’ve often passed by or driven past is a great place to check out when you find yourself alone and bored.

Go eat something that wasn’t cooked by you. I often do this. Not go to every new diner lol. I mean I often go eat at a restaurant by myself and eat something I usually do not cook at home.

That way, I experience a new cuisine and have fun. Even if you end up eating something you didn’t really like, it’d still be an experience!

4. See Your City/Town In A New Light!

I hear you ask how do I see my city/town in a new light.

Simple, be a tourist! Yes, be a tourist in your city or town or suburbs. I bet there are places, nooks, and crannies you have yet to explore.

So go out and have fun discovering those hidden rare gems around you. Book a tour like every tourist and have some fun!

5. Write In Your Journal.

Writing has always been very therapeutic for me and I believe it is a great way to spend some alone time. Journaling is great and this Beginners Guide To Journaling has lots of tips for you to start your journaling journey like I call it.

Journal your thoughts, feelings, emotions. Write anything you ordinarily wouldn’t talk about with anyone. Open up yourself. You will love yourself more.


77 Journal Prompts For Self-Discovery

57 Journal Prompts For Expressing Gratitude

57 Self-Love Journal Prompts To Love Yourself Better

6. Do Some Adult Coloring

Adult coloring is now a thing and it is something you should do when and if you find yourself alone and looking for something fun to do.

I am yet to do this but I reckon it is like painting and I know painting is thereupatic.

According to WebMD, It improves your motor skills, helps you with focusing, reduces anxiety, and improves sleep patterns to mention but a few.

You can find free coloring pages here.

self date ideas

7. Have Fun Having A Facial Makeover.

Go on YouTube if you aren’t good at makeup like me. I confess I am hopeless when it comes to makeup. I try but my sisters are so good at it, I can’t help comparing my unimpressive efforts to theirs.

There are thousands of makeup tutorials on YouTube. Choose anyone. Bring out those makeup brushes you hardly use (I know) and have fun giving yourself a facial makeover.

You might be surprised at the outcome and this may well be one of your favorite hobbies beginning today!

Now that I mentioned hobbies, you might want to check out these Hobbies For Women In Their 30s as well as Hobbies For Women Of All Ages. Discover your ”calling”, Queens.

8. Read A Book

Of all the self-date ideas, this would be my second favorite. I read. A. LOT. I have a library and it features big and small writers like Barbara Taylor, Nora Roberts, JD Robb, Sidney Sheldon, John Grisham, Robert Ludlum, Mario Puzo, Jeffery Archer, Jo Nesbo, Jackie Collins etcetera, etcetera.

Pick a book from your library even if you’ve read it before and read it again. Reading is a great way to date yourself.

9. Go Volunteer

You probably have too much time on your hands, perhaps you are in between jobs and on time off from work and don’t know what to do with the time.

Volunteering is a self-date idea. Go to the Church around the corner or that charity home, an orphanage, or an old people’s home and volunteer your services.

There is power and liberation in volunteering. Join a worthy cause and serve. You will love it.

10. Have A Self- Care Day

Self-care is underrated. I do not know why. We are always all about the grind and hustle and we forget to take care of ourselves. Self-care doesn’t always mean spending money. It could be as simple as having a bath, putting on scented candles, indulging in a much-needed pedicure, and or having a spa date if you’ve got money to throw around.

Pamper yourself. You deserve it.

11. Go Shopping

Yes, go shopping, girl. Shopping therapy is a great solo date idea. Go get that dress you’ve been wishing for. Buy that perfume you love the scent, invest in that bag you’ve had your eyes on for a long time.

I dare say shopping is therapeutic (for lack of a better word to use) but hey, don’t go splurging in a way that hurts your finances! Moderation is key, darling.

Happy shopping!

12. Go On A Solo Trip

I remember my first trip to the States. Met two babes from my country at the Capitol Hill building, hit it off, and got talking. They were amazed that I often travel alone.

This is another of my favorite self-date ideas!

Plan and go on a solo trip, Queen. Pack a bag and don’t forget to include these 6 Essentials You Need For A Long Weekend Trip.

You are guaranteed to have fun and meet some great people!

13. Cook Yourself A Meal

Nothing beats comfort food. Actually, only one thing beats comfort food. That is comfort food cooked by yourself. You get the drift!

Bored and alone? Cook yourself a meal. Try a recipe that you have written in your food diary. Go on Pinterest to get some cooking ideas or just cook your favorite meal and indulge with a bottle of wine.

Who says being alone has to be boring?

14. Learn Something New

This does sound cliche but the truth is, the day we stop learning is the day we start dying. No truer words have been said.

You have time on your hands, to learn something new. Learn a new language, learn calligraphy, put paper to pen, buy some paint brushes and paint, learn sewing, knitting, etc.

Go on learning platforms like Udemy, Google Digital Skills, Allison, and the like and learn something new. You might even get a free certification while at it and add it to your resume!

15. Go On A Solo Picnic

Queen, pack a picnic bag with all the goodies you can find in the house, hop in the car/walk to the beach or your favorite spot in town, spread your mat, bring out all the packed goodies and chilled bottle of wine, and have a fun date, dating yourself.

Just imagine that!

No, don’t imagine! Get yourself up and have a solo picnic. Take some awesome pics while at it or better still get the guy looking at you right now to take some beautiful and memorable pictures of your solo date.

You will look back and be happy you went on a solo picnic date!

self-date ideas

Conclusion On Self-Date Ideas

Self-date ideas are activities you can carry out, and do on your own and this list of 15 self-date ideas will have you chasing away boredom, enjoying yourself, boosting self-love, and building great self-esteem and self-confidence.

Being alone doesn’t have to be boring. There is power in aloneness. Harness it by going on solo dates using these self-date ideas.

Don’t forget to share this solo date ideas. Facebook, Pinterest, Tweeting because sharing is caring!

self date ideas

Kinging Queen

Jennifer Pompaski
Jennifer Pompaski

Hi, my name is Jennifer. I am an Engineer by day and a blogger 24/7. I am passionate about Self Improvement & Productivity and this blog is dedicated to that passion! I hope you find it worthwhile each time you visit! If you do find anything helpful on here, kindly share because sharing is caring!

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