The Four Most Uncomfortable Questions Avoided in Many Relationships

uncomfortable questions avoided in many relationships

Uncomfortable Questions Avoided in Many Relationships

Being in a relationship is great; having a partner to share your good days and your bad, your dreams and ambitions with is a real privilege. However, for most couples, there are some things that, no matter how well you know each other or how much you trust each other, you just don’t feel comfortable approaching. Here are the four most uncomfortable questions avoided in many relationships

Uncomfortable Questions Avoided in Many Relationships: The Four Cs

Relationships come in all different shapes and sizes; there is no “right” recipe for relationship success – only what is right for you. However, whatever your “good” relationship looks like, its success will depend on the four Cs: Chemistry, Communication, Commitment and Compromise. And this is where these uncomfortable questions avoided in many relationships centers on.

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The Four Most Uncomfortable Questions Avoided in Many Relationships Share on X
uncomfortable questions avoided in many relationships
Uncomfortable Questions Avoided In Many Relationships


Let’s Talk About Sex. One of the most difficult topics to broach is a disparity in sexual expectations or concerns about sex. This can include being body-shy, disclosing concerns or problems with your sexual history, lack of libido due to hormonal changes, or erectile dysfunction problems. This is where compromise, commitment and communication come in. 

If you are coming from different places sexually, but you are committed to each other and your relationship, you will find a way of communicating what you do – and don’t- like, and find a path that is right for you.

Chemistry is an important factor in a relationship, yet a lack of communication can mean that you don’t understand each other’s physical needs and concerns. 

Rather than being afraid to talk about perimenopause or erectile dysfunction, by opening up, you might navigate a new route together, such as talking to a medical professional about hormone therapy, or getting a prescription from an online pharmacy

Whether it involves money, sex, or eating habits, when it comes to uncomfortable questions in relationships, you can guarantee one thing: a few moments of awkwardness could save you much greater discomfort in the long term. 


uncomfortable questions avoided in many relationships

For all relationships, including friendships, family relationships and work relationships as well as sexual ones, in order to succeed it is vital that you know what is expected of each other. This prevents misunderstandings and lets you both know what makes the other one happy.

You might love a bunch of flowers, but your partner may prefer a box of chocolates. So when it comes to buying them a special gift, you wouldn’t buy them the thing you want, you would buy them what they want. Knowing what the other wants require good communication. 

On a non-verbal level, it is about observing, listening and understanding your partner’s preferences. And if you are unsure, you can just ask or tell. Tell them that you appreciate the chocolate, but you prefer flowers. Or ask them which they would prefer.

Simple communication can prevent misunderstandings and feelings of resentment towards perceived thoughtlessness or ingratitude. And, of course, we are not just referring to chocolates and flowers; these preferences apply throughout relationships, from household chores to the bedroom. 

So many relationship problems stem from a reluctance to talk about money, long-term expectations, or sex. For example, the stigma attached to erectile dysfunction means that rather than discussing concerns, a man might avoid sex altogether to save the embarrassment. 

This avoidance will often drive a bigger rift in a relationship than openly talking about it and finding a solution – together. 

Uncomfortable Questions Avoided In Many Relationships: Commitment

uncomfortable questions avoided in many relationships

Yes, commitment can stem straight from communication, because one of the key questions people avoid asking in a relationship – but should always ask before making long term plans, is what they expect to come from this liaison.

Commitment means talking about where you both want to go, and how you hope to get there. Here are some key questions you need to ask, but may be afraid to:

  • Is our relationship exclusive?
  • Where do you see our relationship going long term?
  • Do you want to get married eventually?
  • What about children?

A healthy relationship requires both parties to have the same level of commitment, and to understand what the other wants.

You may not want to ask if a relationship is exclusive, but from a mental and physical health perspective, you need to know whether someone has other sexual partners. The question of marriage may be negotiable, bit the one of children rarely is.

And knowing that you are both committed to each other for the long term makes bumps along the way much easier to overcome – together. 


uncomfortable questions avoided in many relationships

Regardless of which culture we grow up in, most of us have been spoon fed the concept of the perfect fairy tale relationship, where there is never a cross word, and everything is just right. For the majority of the population, that relationship model is just that: a fairy tale. A robust relationship depends on compromise. 

One of you wants Chinese and the other Indian? Get Chinese tonight but promise you’ll get Indian next time. What is important is not who wanted, or got, what, but that you both feel that your preferences have been listened to and validated, and neither consistently feels overpowered or ignored. 

So, if you are committed and willing to compromise, be brave and communicate. It could just save your relationship. 

Conclusion On Uncomfortable Questions Avoided in Many Relationships

For you to have a successful relationship, one that is you want to last forever, then you need to ask these uncomfortable questions avoided in many relationships.

There must be great chemistry. This is a must for me because without chemistry, the relationship is dead on arrival.

Communication is key so is commitment and compromise.

At the end of the day, it is better to get these uncomfortable questions avoided in many relationships so you can a long lasting bond.

Don’t forget to share the knowledge on your social media.


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The Four Most Uncomfortable Questions Avoided in Many Relationships Share on X
uncomfortable questions avoided in many relationships
Uncomfortable Questions Avoided In Many Relationships
Jennifer Pompaski
Jennifer Pompaski

Hi, my name is Jennifer. I am an Engineer by day and a blogger 24/7. I am passionate about Self Improvement & Productivity and this blog is dedicated to that passion! I hope you find it worthwhile each time you visit! If you do find anything helpful on here, kindly share because sharing is caring!

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