Mental Health

mental health and wellbeing, mental health awareness, mentally strong people, mental strength, mental health facts, facts about mental health, how to improve mental health, mental care, mental care ideas

10 Ways To Stay Calm During The Coronavirus (Covid-19) Pandemic

With this COVID-19 pandemic currently ravaging the world, I believe these are times to learn ways to stay calm during the coronavirus (COVID-19) pandemic. The word COVID-19 is now synonymous with panic and great fear. These days, I open doors with elbows, use wipes on water dispensers and cover my…

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Why Body Image Isn’t Everything

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10 Facts About Mental Health And What You Should Do!

10 Facts About Mental Health The mental health week is usually one where people are reminded about their mental health and well-being but this should not be as maintaining your mental health is crucial to your personal growth in life. Here are some 10 facts about mental health you should…

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10 Things Mentally Strong People Do Not Do

Mentally strong people do well in handling their habits. They manage their emotions, thoughts, and behavior in ways that set them up for success in life. A conversation I had recently with a friend about mentally strong people prompted this blog post. I believe habits can be changed by working…

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