The flow of life

the flow of life

The flow of life.

A little piece on life experiences and how we can let them define us positively….

Much of our ability to experience inner peace and happiness rests without willingness to accept change.

Life is not static, it is dynamic. It is often difficult to leave behind the familiar past and venture into untraveled territories, so we cling to ideas, habits and people we should let go.

There are changes that occur in our lives that we may not be ready to embrace. We age, parents die, a lover goes out. Yet we have to go on living. Once we accept that it is time to move on with our lives and keep growing, we discover a new way of living and we are made stronger by the experience. The degree of faith or resistance we bring to the experience determines which will be true for us.

Every experience in life is to help us discover our divine potential. We must hold on to all of our life’s changes because our most painful changes or experiences are our richest opportunities to grow.

Every experience is to help us on our way to stronger, more courageous and to encourage our spiritual wholeness.

Conclusion On The Flow Of Life

After thoughts…..

I wrote the flow of life just after I left high school and till date, each time I read it, I am amazed at the depth. I did experience a lot growing up having been subjected to abuse, sexual molestation, bullying and general oppression.

Perhaps, these are what made me write a poem like a full grown adult and an old soul. Our life’s experiences will always shape our lives and make us whom we are.

It is left for us to choose the path that will benefit and enhance our lives rather than be cowered by our experiences….

Kinging Queen

Jennifer Pompaski
Jennifer Pompaski

Hi, my name is Jennifer. I am an Engineer by day and a blogger 24/7. I am passionate about Self Improvement & Productivity and this blog is dedicated to that passion! I hope you find it worthwhile each time you visit! If you do find anything helpful on here, kindly share because sharing is caring!

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  1. Hilda
    February 19, 2021 / 7:27 am

    ‘our most painful changes or experiences are our richest opportunities to grow’ – reminds of a quote I read ‘comfort inhibits growth’
    We sometimes get so use to what we know that fear or ignorance shrinks us into delving into greater things.

  2. Swati
    February 6, 2018 / 3:22 pm

    Your content is so good… Full of positivity…

  3. Esegine Rita
    September 7, 2017 / 12:01 pm

    No matter how hard it is Life MUST go on. Keep it rolling sis so loving every bit of your writes up

  4. Stephanie
    July 14, 2017 / 5:02 pm

    Nice one Sis, hope to learn more from your inspirational write ups!

    • August 10, 2017 / 3:54 pm

      Thanks Stephanie! I hope i get to inspire a lot of people!

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