32 Inspiring Quotes On New Year Resolutions.

A new year is around the corner and what better time to share these quotes on new year resolutions. I know you all are geared and charged about making your new year resolutions so I’d like to give you some inspirations about setting new year resolutions.

Remember, that setting achievable goals should be the main aim when you are writing down those new year resolutions.

Year in, year out, we set resolutions and our intentions at the beginning of the year and then find out that we didn’t even achieve even 40 percent of our new year resolutions, not even the easy ones because we were not intentional about how to go about achieving them and because the goals are not SMART.

But, never mind that. This coming year, you shall better by getting inspired with these quotes on new year resolutions.

What Are New Year Resolutions?

But what are new year resolutions? I am pretty sure anyone reading this article know or have a general idea what new year resolutions are but let’s have a little discourse on what new year resolutions are.

According to Wikipedia, “A New Year’s resolution is a tradition, most common in the Western World but also found in the Eastern World, in which a person resolves to continue good practices, change an undesired trait or behavior, accomplish a personal goal, or otherwise improve their life at the start of a new year.”

Wikipedia states that new year resolutions have their origins from the Roman Empire days where people made promises to their gods at the beginning of a new year that they would return borrowed objects and repay their debts. Romans began each new year by making promises to Janus, the god for whom the month of January is named while In the medieval era, the knights took the “peacock vow” at the end of the Christmas season each year to re-affirm their commitment to chivalry.

Wikipedia also has something to say about the success rate of new year resolutions.

In a 2014 report, 35% of participants who failed their New Year’s Resolutions admitted they had unrealistic goals, 33% of participants did not keep track of their progress, and 23% forgot about them; about one in 10 respondents claimed they made too many resolutions.

A 2007 study by Richard Wiseman from the University of Bristol involving 3,000 people showed that 88% of those who set New Year resolutions fail, despite the fact that 52% of the study’s participants were confident of success at the beginning. Men achieved their goal 22% more often when they engaged in goal setting, wherein resolutions are made in terms of small and measurable goals (e.g., “lose a pound a week” rather than “lose weight”).

So if you didn’t know the origins of new year resolutions, you now know and seeing the success rate of those who go on to achieve their new year resolutions, I believe these quotes on new year resolutions will motivate and inspire to make those new year resolutions, resolutely.

Quotes On New Year Resolutions

About 3 years ago, I completely changed the way I set my intentions for new year resolutions after “dusting” my planner to look back at what my new year resolutions were and discovered that I didn’t achieve most of them. Not being able to achieve them was because they were like mere wishes.

You know what they say about wishes. If wishes were horses….

Now, I am very deliberate when I set my new year resolutions. I do not make a whole list trying to change my life at a go. I set short term goals and long term goals.

These quotes on new resolutions helped me and I believe they will help you with your new year resolutions this coming year.

Let’s see the quotes!

quotes on new year resolutions
Quotes on New Year Resolutions

Don’t make resolutions without an action plan. The secret to success is right in your hands.

J. Allen Shaw

Are you excited about your plans for the new year? Most of us have an idea about areas where we’d like to improve. And at the beginning of the year, those ideas sometimes turn into resolutions or goals

John Maxwell

We set resolutions because we want something to change in our life. But if we are not specific and have no detailed plans about how we are going to change it then we can expect things to remain as they currently are. And we will end the year without the resolution accomplished. So rather than set them if we should recognize what we have accomplished in the past year and build on them, where is there the potential to do more, to be more. 

Catherine Pulsifer

Instead of trying to change your entire life in January, the simpler strategy is to adopt a 12-month plan where you’re making constant improvements. 

S. J. Scott

You may know them under their more usual name of New Year Resolutions (the capitals show how important they are!); you may also be familiar with the realization, by the end of January, that you have either forgotten what you had resolved because the list was too long and you’ve mislaid the paper it was jotted on, or that those you do remember were simply unmanageable!

Alicia Brent
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Quotes on New Year Resolutions

These quotes on new year resolutions are very powerful. Like S.J Scott quote above, instead of trying to change your entire life in January (like most of us want to do, it is better to adopt a 12 month plan and then you can see daily and constant improvements throughout the year.

Here is a guide to help you do just that.

How To Achieve Every Goal You Set Without Sweat

5 Ways To Set Goals And Achieve Them

Let’s see more quotes on new year resolutions to inspire you to set achievable targets and goals without much ado this year new year.

Every man naturally persuades himself that he can keep his resolutions, nor is he convinced of his imbecility but by length of time and frequency of experiment. They whom frequent failures have made desperate, cease to form resolutions, and they who are become cunning, do not tell them. 

Samuel Johnson

There is too much said at New Year’s about turning over a new leaf. Are the old leaves all so badly written that we must hasten to forget them? Is the blank whiteness of the untouched page more pleasant to the eye or more fortifying to the will than those closely written, underlined, untidy, but familiar pages which make up the story of one’s life? 

Bliss Perry

It is no surprise that those who – Wish – may not see results, but those with a resolution get the results they desire – at least close to it!

 Boomy Tokan

After the holidays are over then you may want to look at setting your goals for the coming year rather than just setting a resolution.

Catherine Pulsifer

So what do we do every year during the holiday season? We make outlandish, unattainable and often ridiculous resolutions that almost all of us already know we will not keep. In fact, most people don’t even remember half the New Year’s resolutions they made come Valentine’s Day. Don’t fall in the trap. 

Michael L. Eads
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Quotes on New Year Resolutions

These quotes on new year resolutions remind us that more often than not, we merely make wishes with our new new year resolutions but when you are RESOLUTE, you will definitely get the results you so seek. Also, do you really need to make new year resolutions like Bliss Berry is asking?

Isn’t that food for thought?

Sometimes a year has been so disastrous and so terrible that entering a new year will automatically mean entering a wonderful year!

Mehmet Murat ildan

New Year is a new morning and a new morning is a new opportunity and a new opportunity is a new path and finally a new path is a new richness!

Mehmet Murat ildan

Oh, my friends, the first wish I have for the new year is to change the worn-out greeting: ‘happy new year’. There is no happiness, only fleeting moments of joy. There is nothing new under the sun, only new ways of looking at the same eternal challenges and unresolved questions. There is no point in wishing for a perfect health in a profoundly sick world – the view is much clearer and more interesting when living on the edge. And so, I wish you all endurance as we go through another difficult year. I wish you courage to snatch a few more days (or moments) of joy as another year slips through the fingers of Time. I wish you much strength to maintain your equilibrium as we face new earthquakes of uncertainty in the coming year. Most of all, I wish we never give up on the possibility of doing things otherwise. And, of course, I wish you much love.

Louis Yako

Today marks the end of the last chapter of the year. With the start of the first chapter of the New Year’s book, let’s put the old book on the shelf or even in the lower drawer, and let’s pick up the new one, carry crayons in our hands, and start writing a new colorful story.

Nadine Sadaka Boulos

It is the best time to show gratitude for the past, accept the present moment with joy, and get ready for the change to begin again.

 Debasish Mridha, MD

Quotes on new year resolutions are looking to be very interesting and inspiring. At times, new year resolutions should just be about being thankful about the past year and welcoming the new year with hope.

Here is a guide on how to start afresh.

Starting Afresh: 4 Great Stories That Will Motivate You

I hope you get motivated to cleaning the slate and starting fresh. It is never too late and one is never too old to begin afresh.

More quotes on new year resolutions still being served!

The celebration of a new year has little to do with a new calendar and everything to do with a new start.

Toni Sorenson

New year is another opportunity of seeing life with little more caring, compassion, maturity and beauty.

Amit Ray

No amount of guilt can change the past and no amount of anxiety can change the future


I don’t know where I’m going from here, but I promise it won’t be boring.

David Bowie

The bad news is time flies. The good news is you’re the pilot.

Michael Altshuler
quotes on new year resolutions
Quotes on New Year Resolutions

I just love these simple quotes on new year resolutions. Like David Bowie quote above, I don’t know where I am going from here but I promise, it won’t be boring! When you remember that no amount of guilt can change the past, you’d be more open to embracing what the future brings.

Here is a journaling guide on how to discover yourself and invest more in your personal growth this new year!

77 Great Journal Prompts For Self Discovery

Let’s round these inspiring quotes on new resolutions with these 11 quotes!

No matter how hard the past, you can always begin again.


You can get excited about the future. The past won’t mind.

Hillary DePiano

In our perfect ways. In the ways we are beautiful. In the ways we are human. We are here. Happy New Year’s. Let’s make it ours.


The magic in new beginnings is truly the most powerful of them all.

Josiyah Martin

I hope you realize that every day is a fresh start for you. That every sunrise is a new chapter in your life waiting to be writtenJuansen Dizon

One resolution I have made, and try always to keep, is this: To rise above the little things

John Burroughs

Character is the ability to carry out a good resolution long after the excitement of the moment has passed

Cavett Robert

Most people will passively do exactly what they did last year. Whatever you do, don’t let that person be you.

Richie Norton
quotes on new year resolutions
Quotes on New Year Resolutions

Celebrate the new year. Embrace it fully because even if Life is a beautiful chaos. May these quotes on new resolutions help you appreciate the gift of life and help you make the changes you desire.

Perhaps, this guide on how to see yourself in a new light will help you further.

How To See Yourself In A New Light

If you are a Christian, these last quotes on new year resolutions will help stay grounded and focused with your resolutions every new year.

If you are a human being you probably use the beginning of every year to reflect on the past year, make decision and set resolutions for the New Year. It is a good thing to make resolutions, but it takes a good deal of discipline and commitment to get results that would be different and better than what you got last year.

Lionnel Yamentou Ndzogoue

Let us begin this New Year with a resolution. Be all for Jesus and with Jesus and you will be happy and holy throughout the year. Give yourselves over to prayer and close union with God and to a deep, joyful charity

 Angelo Scolozzi, Thirsting for God

Make your new year resolution in Christ … because each new year is a profoundly powerful opportunity to grow in a deeper relationship with Jesus and to be his best disciple, following him on the Narrow Way of Love, Faith, Hope, and Holiness. 

Becket, Your New Year Resolution in Christ

It’s not just a New Year’s Resolution but a resolution for a new life, a life filled with God’s goodness any time of the year! 

Roni Adigun, The Believer’s New Year’s Resolution Guide

Conclusion About Quotes On New Year Resolutions

The new year is around the corner. What are you thankful for? Surviving the pandemic and the positive lessons we learned from the COVID 19 pandemic are enough to be thankful and to make new year resolutions that will better our lives and the lives of those around us, our communities and the world as a whole and I hope these quotes on new year resolutions will give you the hope for a new beginning and to set those resolutions resolutely so you can achieve them.

Cheers to setting amazing and “crushable” goals every new year after being inspired by these quotes on new year resolutions. If you find these quotes inspiring, please share on social media!

quotes on new year resolutions
Quotes on New Year Resolutions

Kinging Queen

Jennifer Pompaski
Jennifer Pompaski

Hi, my name is Jennifer. I am an Engineer by day and a blogger 24/7. I am passionate about Self Improvement & Productivity and this blog is dedicated to that passion! I hope you find it worthwhile each time you visit! If you do find anything helpful on here, kindly share because sharing is caring!

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  1. January 2, 2022 / 5:51 pm

    I loved the quote saying that you shouldn’t try to change your whole life in January. That’s so on point! We’re the same person as on December 31st. It’s easier to tackle smaller challenges and it avoids frustration and the typical “That’s it, I’m done!”

  2. Sherry
    January 2, 2022 / 11:18 am

    Love this list! Thank you! I especially love the quote where it mentions to have an action plan for resolutions. So important!

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