Why Should You Wear Clip-In Extensions In Your Hair

People always want what they can’t have. Individuals with short hair often complain that they wish they could have beautiful long locks. Their complaints are often met with comments such as “well grow your hair then” – if only it was that simple. Here is where clip in extensions come…

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10 Powerful Sustainable Fashion Tips For Every Boss Babe

According to UnEarthed, ‘Every year, global emissions from textile production are equivalent to 1.2 billion tones of CO2, a figure that outweighs the carbon footprint of international flights and shipping combined.’ Shoppers across the globe have a responsibility to make sustainable choices when it comes to their wardrobes, but exactly…

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5 Self Care Mistakes No One Has Ever Told You!

Self-Care Mistakes You Didn’t Know You Were Making Dear queens, you know we are big on self care in this community but are we doing it well? Are we making self care mistakes we shouldn’t make? Well, I’d like to help you all and that is why I am sharing…

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5 Amazing Positive Lessons From COVID-19 You Have Not Thought About!

Here are some five great positive lessons from COVID-19 we learned here in the United Kingdom that I believe are equally applicable anywhere else in the world. There’s no denying that the COVID-19 novel coronavirus has affected everyone in the UK in some way. For some people, the effects of…

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