Exosomes In Skincare And How They Can Help Rejuvenate Your Skin!

As the body’s largest organ, the skin faces multiple challenges from the external environment that range from exposure to sunlight, pollution, and dirt, to varying humidity levels. However, the most enduring and rigorous violation originates from the natural aging process that our skin undergoes. Here is the scoop on exosomes…

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Chip Chick Technology And Gadgets Every Woman Should Own

It’s an unfortunate reality that most fields in technology have historically lacked female representation, both in terms of employment and leadership positions. As a result of this lack of diversity, typically male-dominated tech companies have struggled to address the specific needs and preferences of female consumers. Here are chip chick…

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The Vegamour Hair Products You Would Absolutely Love!

I have a very deep relationship with my hair so I do everything to maintain it and keep it healthy. I am usually the African braids kind of girl but my natural hair is beautiful and I absolutely love it. When I hear about hair products that are great for…

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The Preppy Aesthetic: How To Get On The Preppy Look!

What we know as the “preppy” style is characterized by clean lines, classic patterns, and polished footwear and accessories, among others. It has its roots in traditional Ivy League and East Coast fashion, with influences ranging from prep schools and collegiate campuses to country clubs and yacht clubs. Structured pieces…

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