Email Marketing For salons: A 5 Step Guide On How To Gain Your Clients’ Trust

Email Marketing For Salons: A 5 Step Guide On How To Gain Your Clients’ Trust 

If you run a salon, you know that the most important aspect of your business is good client relationships. Customers have a range of needs and preferences that a good salon needs to cater to. If your clients know they can trust you, they’re more likely to make you their go-to salon. There are ways to achieve it and it is known as email for marketing

email for marketing tips for salon owners
Email for Marketing Tips For Salon Owners

But how do you make sure you’re effectively reaching out to all of your clients and maintaining a good relationship with each one? How do you go about building connections with potential clients? 

The answer is simple: Email marketing. 

The best way to reach out to your clientele is through an effective newsletter and a solid email marketing campaign. 

Why Email Marketing?

You might think that email is less of an effective marketing tool with the availability of new, seemingly more efficient marketing strategies. In reality, though, the average person is much more likely to open their inbox once a day than they are to notice every post on their social media feed. Here is why email for marketing will benefit your business.

An email lands right in your inbox and is personalized to meet your needs. If worded and designed correctly, a campaign email will capture your attention before an Instagram post on your explore page or a Facebook post hidden within your timeline.

Some of the biggest benefits you can gain from an email campaign are as follows:

  1. You reach out to an already engaged audience, (since they subscribed to your email list) which means your customers are more likely to respond positively. 
  2. You can reach out to your audience in real time and reach out to them at the right moment with the right offer. 
  3. Your emails are less intrusive than other traditional forms of marketing, and thus are less likely to discourage consumers from checking out your product. A customer can open their inbox at their leisure to see what you have to offer. 
  4. Your marketing campaign is personalized, and will make your customers feel like their needs are being addressed. 

If you’re unsure about how to get started, here’s a brief guide to help you get started on your very own email marketing campaign.

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email for marketing
  1. Create A Salon Email List

The very first thing you need to do is collect your client’s information as they walk in your door. A complete database of contact information is the most important marketing tool you can have. 

Of course, not everyone will give you their contact information for free. Create enticing incentives to get your clients to sign up with you. Some incentives you can offer are: 

  1. Special discounts for subscribers 
  2. Exclusive beauty hacks 
  3. Insights on the latest fashion trends
  4. Promotional deals 

Offer your clients the privilege of being part of something exclusive to grab their long-term attention. 

An easy way to collect emails is to create an online appointment form through which clients can book your services. Have them fill in their contact information and keep the records in your database. One easy way to do this is by making use of digital sign-up forms by salon software like Kitomba.

Get a tablet ready at the entrance desk and have clients fill in a form before they avail of your services. 

Furthermore, each time a client calls you for information, add them to your contact list. Add a signup form to your website too so you can offer clients to receive your monthly emails and newsletter. 

  1. Segment Your Clients 

Once you have your email list ready, you need to start working on segmenting your clientele. It’s impossible to send out an email that every single customer will be interested in. Your goal is to make sure the messages your audience receives are relevant and personalized. 

You can segment your clientele based on what kind of treatments they prefer to avail themselves of the most. Let’s say you’ve employed a hairstylist who is known for their blowouts and styling techniques. Keep a record of all clients who regularly book appointments with this hairstylist and avail similar services. 

Similarly, you can keep records of clients who regularly avail of manicure treatments, skincare, massages, and much more. Make categories out of these customers so you know what email to send to each group. 

Dividing your clientele into different groups based on what products and services they prefer to avail of will help you customize your emails to each customer’s liking. 

  1. Plan out what you want to convey

Your client segments are now ready for you to communicate with them. But you can’t just send them irrelevant information and expect them to engage. Your clients want to be informed of the services they prefer. They certainly do not want to open up their inbox to lengthy emails with lots of fluff text and extra details that hold no value. 

Before you plan out your email campaign, plan out your message. Ask yourself the following questions:

  • What do you want your clients to know about you? 
  • Are you reminding them to book another service? 
  • Are you rewarding them for their loyalty? 
  • Are you simply letting them know what else you have to offer?

To answer all of these questions, you need to think about what the client wants. Think about the preferences of each client segment and cater your messages accordingly. Share some of your best skincare tips for clients who get regular facials. Talk about your new line of hair products for those who book monthly hairstyling appointments. 

Whatever you decide to add to your message, make sure you use the 80:20 rule for it. According to this standard, 80% of your message should be useful and personal to your client, and 20% of your message should be catered to offers, promotions, and discounts. 

  1. Design An Enticing Newsletter

Now that you have decided what your message should be, it’s time to figure out how you’ll present it. As a salon owner, you should be one of the first to know that effective presentation is key, especially in marketing. So why not combine your email campaign messages into a vibrant, engaging newsletter for your clients to enjoy?

You don’t have to worry too much about finding a designer to create a professional newsletter for you. With all the help available on the internet, you can do it all by yourself. Online design tools like PosterMyWall provide you with a wide range of newsletter templates and designs that you can personalize according to your marketing needs. 

Create a free account on PosterMyWall and choose your favorite template. Then hop onto the editor and make the changes you want. To make a strong newsletter, add strong subject lines in a bold and powerful font. Make your design visually appealing by adding colors and themes that match the vibe of your salon. Make sure your logo is printed at the top and is visible. Here are some free custom logos you can use.

Your content should be relevant and fit perfectly with the theme of your newsletter. You can add anything from top beauty tips to the latest trends in salon care. You can also include your most popular or recent promotions and deals. 

Have your customers sign up for your newsletter through the digital forms they fill for appointments and services. To entice them to sign up, put up promotional offers that are specific to newsletter subscribers. 

  1. Measure Your Results

Now that your newsletter and email campaign is ready to go, you can finally hit send.

But don’t think it’s time to sit back and relax. Your campaign isn’t effective unless you’re keeping tabs on the results and seeing how well it goes. Measure the outcome of your campaign using a variety of metrics to ensure that your plans were effective. 

Use email software such as Mailchimp to measure if your email was delivered to the relevant client segment. You can also note down and measure the rate at which your emails have been opened by recipients and measure it with the average rate of email opening. This will give you quantitative data on how well your email campaign has done. 

You don’t just have to stick to software. Keep tabs on the number of appointments you get before and after the start of your campaign and see which segments show a difference in bookings. Also, keep a record of how many clients avail the promotional deals you offer in your newsletter to see how many customers actually go through it.

Measures like this will help you determine what you’ve done right, as well as what you need to improve upon. 

email for marketing
email for marketing

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Conclusion On Email For Marketing

Establishing a good relationship with your clients can be challenging, especially with the information overload that comes from online marketing techniques. But with this easy-to-follow guide on effective email for marketing, you can reach out to your clients in a unique, personalized manner and let them know you have what they need. Get your email for marketing gig up and you get to see more clients for your salon and even other business you might be currently into.

Know anyone in the salon business? Then share this knowledge with them on your social media.

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email for marketing

Kinging Queen

Jennifer Pompaski
Jennifer Pompaski

Hi, my name is Jennifer. I am an Engineer by day and a blogger 24/7. I am passionate about Self Improvement & Productivity and this blog is dedicated to that passion! I hope you find it worthwhile each time you visit! If you do find anything helpful on here, kindly share because sharing is caring!

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