
Poetry and Sober Reflections from the soul.

I love writing poems and have written them since I was little. I wrote a book of poems that I lost at the age of sixteen and I’ve been unable to recover from that.

I write poems when I am in love. This sounds so cliche but I have found that the feeling of love, brings so many emotions and feelings, that penning them to paper becomes easy

At least for me.

Sober reflections from the soul are thoughts inspired by my own experiences or other people’s experiences, experienced by me.

Does that even make sense?

Like my reflection about getting a FRESH START

It is a combination of personal experiences and experienced, experiences.


Well, I hope it makes sense.

Even if it doesn’t make sense, I think you should come aboard and see how my poetry is like and what sober reflections from the soul is all about!

So, join me on this journey and let’s discover love and life together

Cheers to new beginnings and happy endings.



The flow of life

The flow of life. A little piece on life experiences and how we can let them define us positively…. Much of our ability to experience inner peace and happiness rests without willingness to accept change. Life is not static, it is dynamic. It is often difficult to leave behind the…

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