101 Biblical Affirmations For Women That Are Rooted In God’s Word

biblical affirmations for women

Biblical Affirmations For Women

Biblical affirmations for women that are absolutely rooted in God’s word. Studies has suggested it that affirmations do work

Women are builders! They bare several burdens on their shoulders and sometimes external aid doesn’t help their situation. It often takes inner motivation powered by affirmations deeply rooted in the bible to strengthen them during times like these and these biblical affirmations for women comes in handy.

As a Christian woman, you have to gird yourself with biblical affirmations for women to win in difficult situations, and not only that, you have to believe in them.

In this post, you will find 101 biblical affirmations for women that will help you feel closer to God as well as win in every aspect of your life.

Biblical Affirmations For Women Experiencing Difficulties

1. I am confident that God still loves me.

2. I have peace in Christ Jesus.

3. My case isn’t too much for God to handle.

4. God has the final say in my case.

5. In God lies my strength.

6. I will conquer through Christ that strengthens me.

7. God is my strength.

8. God did not fail, I won’t fail at this.

9. God has got my back.

10. I am the apple of his eye.

11. God has not given up on me. I won’t give up.

12. I am a child of God.

13. I am a conqueror.

14. I have the mind of Christ.

15. God will fight my battles and give me peace.

16. This too shall pass.

17. He has done it before, He will do it again.

18. I am a winner.

19. God is my helper.

20. I am the Lord’s project. He can’t abandon me.

biblical affirmations for women

Faith Biblical Affirmations For Women

21. Christ lives in me.

22. I am healed.

23. I am lifted.

24. I am loved by God. He won’t let me die.

25. My body is the temple of God.

26. It is well with my soul.

27. Healing is my portion.

28. I am redeemed by the Lord.

29. Fear has no place in my heart.

30. The Lord is my strength.

31. I am saved.

32. I will not die. I will live. Thus says the Lord.

33. He died on the cross to set me free from bondage.

34. God is on my side. I fear no evil.

35. With long life will God satisfy me because He loves me.

36. God’s grace is sufficient for me.

37. I have sound health.

38. I’m amazingly strong as God is with me.

39. I believe in God wholeheartedly.

40. I have confidence that I will win.

Biblical Affirmations For Women Of Purpose

41. I am created for a reason and I must fulfill it.

42. God leads while I follow. He is my director.

43. I am a winner in Christ Jesus.

44. My paths are guided by the Lord.

45. I am a great woman of honour.

46. I have dominion over my current situation.

47. I will impact lives positively.

48. I have the wisdom of God.

49. I have an intelligent spirit.

50. I am a woman blessed to take territories.

biblical affirmations for women

Biblical Affirmations For Women To Declare Over Their Children

51. My children are blessed by the Lord.

52. They are heads and not tails.

53. My children are highly favoured.

54. My kids and I are for signs and wonders.

55. Like the stars, my kids will light up the world.

56. The Lord knows about all that concerns my children.

57. Their lives are secured in Christ Jesus.

58. My children are winning in all their endeavours.

59. My children are of the Lord. He won’t live them.

60. God is in charge of their destinies.

61. My kids are protected by God

62. Nothing can separate my kids from God.

63. My family is lifted.

64. My kids are led by God.

65. My kids are royalty.

66. My children are strong.

67. My children are fearfully and wonderfully made.

68. My kids are created in the image of God.

69. My children are intelligent.

70. My children are part of God’s family.

biblical affirmations for women

Biblical Affirmations For Women In Bondage

71. I am victorious.

72. God has completely redeemed me.

73. Yahweh lives inside me.

74. Good is my strength.

75. With God, everything is possible.

76. God’s love for me never end.

77. He has ordered His angels to guard me.

78. The Lord is my anchor.

79. Christ has paid the price for my sin.

80. The peace of the Lord is with me.

81. I am clothed with strength.

82. I’ve been set free by God.

83. The Lord is my rescuer.

84. God will fight my battles and give me peace.

85. God will make all things beautiful for me.

86. Nothing is impossible with God.

87. Freedom is my right in Christ Jesus.

88. I am more than a conqueror.

89. I believe in God alone.

90. God loves me and won’t disappoint me.

biblical affirmations for women

“I AM” Biblical Affirmations For Women

91. I am God’s replica.

92. I am a daughter of God.

93. I am God’s masterpiece.

94. I am no more a slave to sin.

95. I am a friend of God.

96. I am the Lord’s own

97. I am a heavenly candidate.

98. I am God’s beloved.

99. I am sitting with Christ in heavenly places.

100. I am helped by God.

101. I am higher and higher through Christ.


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Conclusion On Biblical Affirmations For Women

It’s not enough to recite affirmations from time to time, you must believe in them if they must work. The real essence of affirmations is to help lift your mood to activate the right mood needed to change situations for real.

Positive affirmations may work well for you as a woman but biblical affirmations for women will work excellently for you because they are curled from God’s word. They aren’t mere words joined together but they are God’s true promise to his Children. When you recite biblical affirmations for women, you are claiming the promises God had made many years ago. That’s what separates it from other affirmations.

Check out my affirmations board on Pinterest for more powerful affirmations for women and don’t forget to shares these equally powerful biblical affirmations for women on your social media.

biblical affirmations for women

Kinging Queen

Jennifer Pompaski
Jennifer Pompaski

Hi, my name is Jennifer. I am an Engineer by day and a blogger 24/7. I am passionate about Self Improvement & Productivity and this blog is dedicated to that passion! I hope you find it worthwhile each time you visit! If you do find anything helpful on here, kindly share because sharing is caring!

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