How To Take Care Of Your Skin During Summer: 7 Simple Skin Care Tips

summer skin care tips


Now that the warmer weather is here it’s time to simplify your skin care routine. If you want to avoid your make-up running down your face this summer it’s best to minimize the number of products you’re using. You could even switch to powdered or oil-free versions to help lighten the load. The most important thing is to ensure you protect yourself from harmful UV rays, however, so one thing not to skimp on is sunscreen. Whether you’re planning a beach trip or vacation somewhere hot this summer, here are seven simple skin care tips to get you started. Here are some skin care tips for the summer.

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How To Take Care Of Your Skin During Summer: 7 Simple Skin Care Tips Share on X

Skin Care Tips For The Summer

Increase The SPF

skincare tips for the summer

The sun is stronger at this time of year and you’re likely to spend more time out in it. Even if you don’t burn easily it’s always advisable to increase the SPF. Choose a sunscreen with a higher SPF such as 30+. Ensure you top up regularly and be mindful of sweating or it washing off when you go swimming. Invest in an aftersun as well, or alternatively use natural aloe vera. This will help to soothe and heal burns. If you’re not sure which sunscreen is best for you, here are a few useful sunscreen FAQs.

Spend Plenty Of Time In The Shade

summer skin care tips

Even with the best sunscreen, your skin is still at risk if you spend too much time in the sun. Always look out for shady spots to take a break in. Even if you’re a bit of a sun worshipper, remember to hide under that big umbrella on the beach or at the pool every so often, rehydrate, and top up the sunscreen. If you do experience any skin conditions or burns you can order creams and even prescriptions from a Simple Online Doctor. This is particularly useful if you’re on vacation and can’t visit your regular doctor.

Keep It Simple

Summer is not the best time to layer on moisturizers, primers, foundation, and different types of eye make-up. You’re inevitably going to be sweating more and these will only clog your pores. Instead, opt for one light moisturizer and an oil-free foundation or powder. Look for labels that say non-comedogenic as this means they contain fewer pore-clogging ingredients. You want to appear fresh and glowing in the summer sun and the best way to avoid streaks and smears is to keep your make-up minimal.

Lighten The Load

There are certain beauty hacks you can try to help you lighten your make-up load. Powdered options are great for the summer. You can try using a powdered eyeliner or brow liner, and this should make your eyes pop for longer without smudging. You can even get powdered sunscreen which is ideal for a primer under a light foundation. Opt for lip stains rather than lipstick or gloss and these will last longer even when you’re enjoying cocktails on the beach.

Shorter Showers

Even though the weather is hot you still shouldn’t be taking long showers. Your body is sweating more than usual and one of the side effects of long showers is that it can dry out your skin even further. Long showers also give chemical products more time to take their toll on your skin and hair. Jump in and out the shower this summer instead of taking long soaks and your skin will thank you for it. 

Scrub Away

skin care tips for the summer
Photo by Polina Kovaleva from Pexels

Summer is a good time of year to exfoliate, however. Exfoliators help to soothe stressed-out summer skin and open up your pores. You can even try these DIY scrubs made from natural ingredients such as cocoa butter, oats, and essential oils. Create your own gorgeous smelling recipes and give your skin the gentle exfoliation it needs. It’s a great way to create a luxurious spa experience at home and you’ll be glowing inside and out.

Stay Hydrated

woman drinking water
Skin Care Tips for the Summer: Hydration

You need to ensure you stay hydrated, particularly when the weather is hot. Keep a refillable water bottle with you at all times to remind yourself. If you’re going on any hiking adventures, or playing summer sports, take plenty of water with you. You might also want to consider a hydrating sports drink that will help replenish your electrolytes. Hydration is incredibly important for your skin as it combats oiliness, increases elasticity, and can help to heal sunburn. Sunburn will draw the water to the skin’s surface to soothe the burn. The more water your drink, the more hydrated your body will be as well. Keep your skin care routine simple and protect yourself in the sun.

These skin care tips for the summer are a great way to get a glowing and radiant skin during summer and all year round!


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Conclusion: Skin Care Tips For The Summer

Pamper your skin with these skin care tips for the summer. Don’t ruin summer fun by letting your skin go dry and patchy from the sun. Take care of your skin, Queens and enjoy Summer!

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Jennifer Pompaski
Jennifer Pompaski

Hi, my name is Jennifer. I am an Engineer by day and a blogger 24/7. I am passionate about Self Improvement & Productivity and this blog is dedicated to that passion! I hope you find it worthwhile each time you visit! If you do find anything helpful on here, kindly share because sharing is caring!

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