International Women’s Day, 2021: Choose To Challenge.

Yes Queens, It’s that time of the year again to celebrate all you awesome women. The 2021 International Women’s day theme this year is one that I love so much!

Let me tell you all about it.

But first.

Do you girls know that women are the greatest untapped reserve in the world?

Yes! We are!

There is so much that the girl child can give and offer the world and I believe we girls need to wake up to this consciousness and begin to participate more in areas like STEM and Politics.

With the likes of Jacinda Ardern (New Zealand Prime Minister), Nicola Sturgeon (First Minister of Scotland), Kamala Harris (First Female and First Black/Asian Vice President of the United States), Ngozi Okonjo-Iweala (First Nigerian, first African and first female President of the World Trade Organization), Sanna Marin (Prime Minister of Finland) laying the ground work for us and letting us know that it is time women take their place in the affairs of the world, it is time we wake up and get doing.

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International Women's Day 2021 Graphics
IWD2021 Choose To Challenge

These women inspire me a lot! I was so excited when Ngozi Okonjo-Iweala became the first female President of the World Trade Organization! I followed the whole process keenly and when it was announced, I went agog with joy. It was same feeling for me when Kamala Harris became the first female Vice President of the United States!

It was a spiritual awakening moment for me when I watched and heard Kamala Harris take her oath of office. I knelt down in front of my TV with my hands lifted up to the heavens, praying for myself, sisters and every woman.

Euphoric! Amazing and just so awe inspiring!

Girls, I can still feel the goose bumps that were all over me that day!

These women and many more around the globe are showing us that yes, the girl child can dream, she can be and achieve a lot. Their stories are awe inspiring. You can read about the women making their marks around the globe, here.

Watch this beautiful #ChooseToChallenge IWD2021 Video.


The History of International Women’s Day: How It All Began

2021 International Women's Day:#ChooseToChallenge
Image by Markéta Machová from Pixabay

The 2021 International Women’s day will be celebrated on March 8th. This is the day set aside specifically and specially to celebrate women all over the world.

International Women’s Day, also known as IWD for short, grew out of the labor movement to become a recognized annual event by the United Nations (UN). It was founded by a woman, in 1910.

Amazing, isn’t it? 1910!

Its 111 whooping years later and the International Women’s day is still here, garnering strength and waxing stronger.

It all began when 15,000 women marched across New York City demanding for shorter work hours and better pay in 1908. An idea was birthed and it came into force two years later in 1910.

It is also a testament that more need to be done considering where the girl child is still at in the society at large even after 111 years!

IWD provides an important moment to showcase commitment to women’s equality, launch new initiatives and action, celebrate women’s achievements, raise awareness, highlight gender parity gains and more.

The day is celebrated and supported globally by industry, governments, educational institutions, community groups, professional associations, women’s networks, charities and non-profit bodies, the media and more.

Collectively every person and all groups can make a difference within their sphere of influence by taking concrete action to help build a more gender equal world. From small powerful grassroots gatherings to large-scale conference and events – International Women’s Day is celebrated everywhere. It’s a big day for inspiration and change“. Coined from International Women’s Day Official Website

But, I see us getting there and I want to be a part of this amazing journey for gender equality and general advocacy for the girl child and I know you all are going to be part of it too!

I wrote a very detailed history of the International Day in an article I wrote two years ago about the International Women’s Day. You can read all about it in the link below.

International Women’s Day 2019: Balance For Better

2021 International Women’s Day: How Kinging Queen Tribe Is Celebrating It!

Internationa Women's Day 2021
Image by ALBERTO H. FABREGAS from Pixabay

So, for 2021 International Women’s Day, I thought I should do something different instead of writing and writing and subjecting you all to reading and reading.


Basically, I asked all the awesome babes and men following the Kinging Queen Blog (that I like to call the KQ Tribe) to send in photos of them doing the #ChooseToChallenge pose and I was pleasantly surprised when I got feedback from three of my ardent followers!

I guess some of you all were shy even I asked you not to be!

I made the post on my Facebook page and I thank them for sending their pics doing #ChooseToChallenge pose.

Thank you!

So this is what we did this year for 2021 International women’s day and I am going to be sharing the beautiful pics of these beautiful people from around the globe who believe in gender equality and choose to challenge the status quo that is gender inequality.

#ChooseToChallenge: The Theme of The 2021 International Women’s Day

So here we are girls. Your pictures enjoining solidarity for the IWD2021 #ChooseToChallenge pose.


The International Women’s Day is a platform every woman (young and old) should utilize and be a part of to change the status quo and help empower herself and every other woman. On this 2021 International Women’s Day, I am choosing to challenge gender inequality, Patriarchy , and every practice that hinders the girl child from achieving and attaining her full potentials. What are choosing to challenge? Tell me in comment section below. Happy International Women’s Day!

Kinging Queen

Jennifer Pompaski
Jennifer Pompaski

Hi, my name is Jennifer. I am an Engineer by day and a blogger 24/7. I am passionate about Self Improvement & Productivity and this blog is dedicated to that passion! I hope you find it worthwhile each time you visit! If you do find anything helpful on here, kindly share because sharing is caring!

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