15 Secret Self Confidence Boosters You Need To Know Today!

Self confidence boosters are things and activities you carry out and/or do every day to build and improve your self-confidence.

Being a self-confident person is a critical factor for your success in life generally.

Each time we face our fear, we gain strength, courage, and confidence in the doing.- Theodore Roosevelt

We all need to be self-confident in our everyday dealings at work and even at home.

We need self confidence even when we talk with our peers!

Who wants to be a doormat?

I think to an extent, every one of us experiences fear and of course, this impacts our self-confidence at different times. But once you master a lot of these secret self-confidence boosters I will be sharing today, I bet, you will be the new girl on the block!

And of course the new boy on the block (I don’t want you all feeling left out yo!)

self confidence boosters

What is Self Confidence?

Self-confidence is self-assurance in one’s personal judgment, ability, power, etc and it increases as one master’s particular activities.

It is a positive belief that you can accomplish whatever you set out to do. However, it is not to be confused with self-esteem which is actually an evaluation of one’s own worth.

Source: wikipedia.org

Having high self-esteem is actually proportional to having a high confidence level.

You have the sense that you and your life are worth a lot(self-esteem) and that gives you confidence.

Think about it!

Let me tell you a story. So, there was this time a client (a team of four persons) came for a capability audit at my old place of work.

We had waited the whole day for them and when it was 5 pm (official closing time) when my boss left and the team showed up! Barely 10 mins after and I was preparing to leave also.

Now, we had done similar audits but my boss was always in on them. Of course, I can’t tell the clients it is closing hours. That would have been tantamount to getting sacked. LOL.

I was a little bit scared truth be told. I was just a year plus in the company but I knew I could handle their questions.

Well, I took a little ”beating” from the client’s lead auditor. Why? The guy saw me and literally assumed I was not capable!

Talk about prejudice! Well, I do look far younger than my age as I narrated in my blog post about my birthday. You can read it here.

Oh, well. They can’t go back. They too have deadlines to meet. So we started, the audit, and I was answering the questions and providing documentary evidence.

Initially, the lead auditor was all fired up. Looks like he wanted to catch me off guard or something but I kept my cool. Gradually, I noticed he got calmer.

To cut a long story short, we did well in the audit and the man grudgingly told the MD of the company, that I am a keeper.

This is where I flick my hair…

Now, at that moment I experienced self-efficacy.

Self Efficacy And Self Confidence

Self-efficacy is confidence in one’s ability to carry out a particular task while self-confidence is a generalized personal characteristic. That is general self-confidence.

You might have a belief that you can accomplish a certain task. For instance, cook a meal you have never done before or perhaps run 3.5 miles in 30 minutes (self-efficacy) but lack general self-confidence.

Similarly, you may have general self-confidence but lack self-efficacy when it comes to carrying out certain tasks like running 3.5 miles in 30 minutes as mentioned above.

So self-confidence is not self-worth and also not self-efficacy.

Self-Confidence Boosters You Need To Know

self confidence boosters
Self Confidence Boosters

1. Having A Shower!

This one sounds so mundane I know but how many of you have actually had a boost in your confidence after taking a shower especially after having a bad day that gave your confidence a beating?

I know it’s a 100% yeah!

Have a shower anytime you feel a little bit down to boost your confidence

2. Maintaining Good Posture: Sit Upright And Stand Tall!

self confidence boosters
Self Confidence Boosters

When you see someone sort of slouching on a desk/chair, there is every possibility that their confidence has taken a little bashing.

Probably from the boss man or from a feeling of dejectedness or from being scared.

One of the ways of conquering fear is by staring it in the face and saying,” I am moving past you despite all!”

When you sit upright and stand tall, you not only give off a positive vibe, but you come across as being confident and you also feel confident.

3. Self Grooming

self confidence boosters

If your nails are dirty, your feet and hair unkempt, looking untidy in a room full of other persons who are well groomed, there is every possibility of you wanting to hide and assume ”defensive” trying to ”hide”

You are beating yourself up in that very instance and also very looking pathetic (without you knowing).

But when you are properly groomed, have nice nails, looking neat, you feel confident.

This is an important self-confidence booster.

4. Using Affirmations

The power of using affirmations has been proved time and time again and it is something you should start doing if you are looking to boost your self-confidence.

Affirmations like ”I am worthy of love”, and ”I can and I will” are great confidence boosters and you should use them.

They are power mantras. Literally!

Read Also


15 Amazing Self-Love Affirmations To Love Yourself Better

5. Trying Something New!

There is this game I would love to try. They call it bungee jumping and it is very popular in South Africa.

Hint: Yours truly is super scared of heights! I get all dizzy but I try.

Enough of secrets spilling. Right!

self confidence boosters

So back to the subject. A favorite secret self-confidence booster would be trying something new. It could be learning Yoga, learning a new language, or even a new skill like crocheting.

These are sure self confidence boosters.

The feeling that comes from learning a new thing/trying a new thing boosts your confidence and makes you want to do/learn more!

6. Dressing Nicely!

I so love dressing up. I mean, I love looking really good. Any time, any day. It is my modus operandi, my code of conduct.


I so much love dressing nicely and looking good it got me into trouble. I literally lost out on a job interview because of it.

self confidence boosters

You can find the gist of it all in Chronicles of Jennifer.

Now, question! How do you feel whenever you rock that favorite outfit that makes you look sizzling and gorgeous?

There is always a lilt to your steps. You feel you can achieve anything!

Yes, there it is. Self-confidence. A self-confidence booster.

Dressing well and looking well put together is a secret you need to start harnessing for your self-confidence.

Dress well, dress nicely and you get to have an instant boost to your self-confidence!

Here is a guide on how to look stylish even when you are on a budget

self confidence boosters
Self Confidence Boosters

7. Setting SMART Goals

There is nothing more frustrating than setting goals and never achieving them. We set goals and don’t achieve them because we do not set SMART goals.

Your goals must be Specific, Measurable, Achievable, Realistic, and Time-Bound.







When you set SMART goals, you achieve them, and achieving said goals is bound to boost your self-confidence.

You then take on more, and do more!

Looking for ways to set goals and achieve them?

Here are some ultimate guides to setting goals and achieving them.

How To Set Goals The Goals In Your Life And Achieve Them

36 Personal Growth Goals To Set For Every Aspect Of Your Life

Best Goal Ideas To Set For Your Self Improvement

8. Adopting Or Changing An Habit

Another one of the 20 secret self-confidence boosters would be adopting or changing a habit.

Adopt a new habit like waking up earlier than you do, having an exercise regimen, or including more forms of exercise in your regimen, doing something positive like meditation.

You could even take up journaling!

You could also try changing a bad habit with a better one.

When you have achieved this, you feel more confident.





9. Volunteering

If you have done a bit of volunteering, you know there is a general feeling/sense of pride after you do it.

Not bad pride. Pride that you are helping out in a worthy cause, helping someone to better, and contributing positively to the welfare.

That is why you should be volunteering if you aren’t already.

10. Focusing on Solutions

We are humans and by nature, we tend to focus on a problem instead of thinking about the solutions.

I am guilty of this. I am a worry wart and trying my best to overcome this flaw.

When problems arise, it is better to focus on the solutions required to solve the problem instead of focusing on them.

And when you do focus on solutions, you get a boost in your confidence

11. Self Confidence Boosters: Following A Ritual

Having a ritual that you follow every day is sure to increase your productivity, ease anxiety and also boost your confidence.

A ritual shouldn’t have to be complicated. It could be a morning ritual for grooming, or prepping meals for an evening ritual.

Recent research from Harvard professors has shown that having a ritual can boost your confidence.

Read Also:

4 Powerful Self-Care Rituals for Your Body, Mind, And Soul

The Power of Yoga In Mental Health

101 Self-Care Ideas To Include In Your Routine

So there, develop and follow a ritual.

12. Wearing A Powerful Perfume!

I know all my girls already know this! You know that ”high” you get any time you wear really good perfume and you are with the boys and girls and someone says ”you smell nice”?

That is a secret self-confidence booster!

So invest in some really good perfume and get some cologne for your man

We all want to smell good and be empowered!

13. Self Confidence Boosters: Thinking Powerful Thoughts

One trick to boosting your self-confidence is thinking powerful thoughts, especially in moments when you are faltering or feeling jittery.

Are you feeling nervous because of a presentation you need to do at a meeting? Think about the time, you aced another presentation.

Think about the things you have accomplished in the past, your wins, and your successes over the years.

When you think powerful thoughts, you feel more confident and this has been proven in a study.

Read about it on Science Direct.


6 Practical Steps To Improving Your Life With Positive Self Talk

How To Overcome Impostor Syndrome

14. Being Your Own Cheerleader!

Yes! Be your own cheerleader!

Do not wait for people to compliment you before knowing that you did well and aced your goal.

I am big on celebrating and it is a sure firecracker!

Cheer yourself, and give yourself a mental pat on the head whenever you get something.

Heck, even when you don’t do it properly, give yourself some credit at least and cheer yourself.

This will definitely give you an instant self-confidence boost!

15: Listening To Uplifting Music!

This is one of my best self-confidence boosters! Create a playlist that empowers you each time you listen to music.

Music is a universal language. It speaks to us. It literally speaks to our soul and what can be more empowering than that?

I don’t know!

Listen to good music any and every time you need a boost in your confidence.

Free Music Downloads is a great place to get really great music for making up a playlist.

self confidence boosters
Self Confidence Boosters

More Self Confidence Boosters: Gemstones For Confidence.

Poor self-confidence usually arises from self-doubts, fears of rejection, low self-esteem, and some of our life experiences.

Well, it, therefore, follows that to have great self-confidence, one must have a great sense of self-worth.

It has been known that there are gemstones that are capable of restoring your natural confidence, courage, strength, and optimism.

You can invest in a healing gemstone to get you started on your self-confidence journey.

Gemstones that you can invest in to build your self-confidence include Sunstone, Carnelian, Blue Lace Agate, Pyrite, etc.

Self-Confidence Boosters: Self-Confident Quotes

Another example of self-confidence boosters would be Self Confident Quotes. To round up, I’d like to share some great and powerful self-confidence quotes out there that will empower you further. Quotes are inspirational and motivational and self-confidence quotes will definitely inspire and motivate you to believe in yourself more and build your self-esteem and self-confidence.

It will be a great idea to use them as power mantras alongside the 15 self-confidence boosters.


200+ Self-Confidence Quotes To Help You Build Your Self-Esteem And Confidence

self confidence boosters

This one by Theodore Roosevelt takes the cake for me!

1. Each time we face our fear, we gain strength, courage, and confidence in the doing. 

Theodore Roosevelt

2. We have to learn to be our own best friends because we fall too easily into the trap of being our own worst enemies

Roderick Thorp

3. With the realization of one’s own potential and self-confidence in one’s ability, one can build a better world.

 Dalai Lama

4. Self-confidence is the memory of success.

David Storey

5. If you really put a small value upon yourself, rest assured that the world will not raise your price.

Author Unknown

6. No one can make you feel inferior without your consent.

Eleanor Roosevelt

7. Think like a queen. A queen if not afraid to fail. Failure is another stepping stone to greatness.


8. To love yourself right now, just as you are, is to give yourself heaven. Don’t wait until you die. If you wait, you die now. If you love, you live now.

 Alan Cohen

9. Action is a high road to self-confidence and self-esteem

 Bruce Lee

10. Never bend your head. Always hold it high. Look the world straight in the eye.

Helen Keller


Conclusion: Self Confidence Boosters

We all are faced with moments where we have to choose if we need to let low esteem get the better of us or if we try to get some boosts by indulging and carrying out positive habits. These self-confidence boosters will definitely help you build your self-esteem and self-confidence. As Oprah said, think like a Queen. I would love to hear some of the self-confidence boosters you use and practice and others which are not covered in this post! Head on to comments, and share some as well as your best self-confidence quotes!

self confidence boosters
Self Confidence Boosters

Kinging Queen

Jennifer Pompaski
Jennifer Pompaski

Hi, my name is Jennifer. I am an Engineer by day and a blogger 24/7. I am passionate about Self Improvement & Productivity and this blog is dedicated to that passion! I hope you find it worthwhile each time you visit! If you do find anything helpful on here, kindly share because sharing is caring!

Find me on: Web | Twitter/X | Instagram | Facebook


  1. July 21, 2019 / 7:07 am

    Volunteering and self less activities is best way to boost self confidence because it increases the ability to do for other without any expectations. Thanks for sharing. I find you while searching pinterest.

  2. July 21, 2019 / 6:07 am

    Volunteering and self less activities is best way to boost self confidence because it increases the ability to do for other without any expectations. Thanks for sharing. I find you while searching pinterest.

    • July 21, 2019 / 7:09 am

      Thanks Dr. Vinod for stopping by and reading and also taking time to leave a comment! Thanks for letting me know you found this on Pinterest! Means my effort on Pinterest are yielding fruits! I hope you love my content enough to visit again and again! Have a beautiful week!

  3. July 15, 2019 / 8:48 pm

    I can imagine the bath thing as a booster! It has helped me in different scenarios! Thanks for commenting and for the compliments!

  4. July 13, 2019 / 4:21 pm

    Yea absolutely! When I wanted to improve myself a bit I decided to learn a lot of new things, like kickboxing and guitar. Volunteering too really helps you feel like a whole person with a purpose.

    • July 13, 2019 / 5:12 pm

      Wow! Kick boxing and playing the guitar? Now, I think i should add them to my bucket list! Great ideas and thanks for sharing!

  5. July 8, 2019 / 11:23 am

    I love those quotes at the end! Oprah certainly comes out with some fantastic quotes.
    I really needed to read about these self-confidence boosters as mine is currently at an all-time low. I always love how you get straight to the point, no BS and how you lay out your posts. They’re always easy on the eyes with no searching by obsessive ads.

Join the conversation. Your thoughts will be appreciated!